
In relation to MOUs with entities dealing with higher education, Statistics Botswana has MOUs with the University of Botswana, the Human Resource Development Council and the Ministry Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology.

A. The University of Botswana is a body corporate responsible for providing amongst other services, programs and courses of study, research, cooperation, capacity building as well as associated services. Areas of common interest between Statistics Botswana and the University of Botswana include, but not limited to, social sciences, geography and environmental techniques and humanities where collaboration and cooperation are essential for the effective and efficient statistical, demographic and environmental capacity building, innovative data processing, data quality, data dissemination and access to official statistics.

The MOU with the University of Botswana is intended to facilitate collaboration covering the following;

  1. Joint research and analysis of survey and census data
  2. stimulation and provision of opportunities for training and capacity building for both parties through exchange programs, attachment and secondment of officers and students;
  3. Internships for University students
  4. Improvement of academic programmes
  5. Strengthening of open data platforms
  6. Joint advocacy for statistics
  7. Access and use of BIG Data
  8. enhanced access to data for both parties’ technical personnel and academic faculties to strengthen production of official statistics;
  9. joint development of systems for specific statistical data processing applications to strengthen the quality of statistics;
  10. availing of the University’s facilities such as computer laboratories, workshop arenas, training facilities etc. at a subsidised cost to SB personnel;
  11. joint organising and sponsorship of cooperative seminars and workshops on topics of mutual interest.

A work plan was developed to facilitate implementation of agreed terms of the MoU and benefits of the collaboration are being realised through trainings to improve statistical capacity of Statistics Botswana as well as other members of the NSS, participation in either Party’s statistical workshops, seminars and technical working committees.

B, The Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) is a government funded autonomous agency responsible to provide policy advice on all matters of national human resource development, co-ordinate and promote the implementation of the national human resource development strategy, prepare the national human resource development plans and also plan and advice on tertiary education funding and work-place learning.

The MOU with HRDC is intended to facilitate collaboration covering the following;

  1. Joint publication of official annual Tertiary Education Statistics
  2. Capacity building covering different aspects of statistical value chain processes
  3. Sharing of statistical data, information and reports on specific variables and indicators required by either party
  4. Technical support
  5. Joint research and analysis of survey and census data and share project costs
  6. Sharing of data collection, data processing expertise, analysis tools and dissemination
  7. Providing technical support on development of research studies
  8. Share expertise in various areas

C. The Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology is a government ministry responsible for the provision and building of knowledge and innovation through development and implementation of policy on Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology to transform Botswana into a knowledge-based society through effective stakeholder collaboration.

The MOU with the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology is intended to facilitate for collaboration covering the following;

  1. The setting of the national research agenda in statistical; demographic and geospatial areas
  2. Promotion of scientific research and technological development of statistics;
  3. Capacity building and experience sharing in various areas within the statutory limitations and obligations of both parties;
  4. Joint execution of researches/ surveys for national development;
  5. Support of the higher education NSS sector;
  6. Sharing of statistical data, information and reports on specific variables and indicators required by either party;
  7. Innovative data collection, data processing expertise, analysis tools, data dissemination and access to official statistics and information;
  8. Undertake joint research in the production of statistics and
  9. Providing technical support on development of research studies.
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