President Obama and Other Leaders Issued Special WSD Messages


25 October 2010 – A number Heads of State/Government issued special messages or made a speech to observe World Statistics Day. Following are excerpts:


President Barack Obama, United States of America : I am pleased to send greetings to all those celebrating World Statistics Day. Statistical data drives countless decisions which impact our Nation. It guides representation in the United States Congress; informs our economic, social service, and national security outlook; and helps determine where infrastructure like schools, hospitals, and roads should be built (…) As you gather to acknowledge the global statistical system and raise public awareness of statistics, I wish you all the best.


King Mohammed VI, Morocco: Par ce Message que Nous adressons à vos assises scientifiques, Nous tenons, tout d'abord, à rendre hommage à Monsieur le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies qui a appelé la communauté internationale à faire du 20 octobre de chaque année, une Journée Mondiale de la statistique. Cette initiative Nous paraît d'autant plus louable que Nous mesurons toute l'importance que revêt la statistique et le rôle qu'elle a joué à travers l'histoire dans le développement de la connaissance et l'essor qu'a connu l'humanité dans les différents domaines scientifiques, économiques et socioculturels.


President Alan Garcia, Peru (available on video): Hoy día saludamos el Día de la Estadística a nivel mundial desde un país en el que, apenas hace 35 años, comenzó el trabajo institucional con la creación del Sistema Estadístico Nacional como punto básico a partir del cual se ha desarrollado lo que ahora tenemos, y eso nos ha permitido llegar a las circunstancia de una estadística desarrollada y accesible y cada vez más democrática y consultable por todos los ciudadanos y actores políticos del país. Se han hecho censos de vivienda y de población, como aquí se ha mencionado con la mayor cantidad de preguntas e inquisiciones, y se han elaborado a partir de ello indicadores que son de inmensa validez para los que debemos tomar decisiones políticas.


Tsakhia Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia addressed greetings to the UN Statistical Commission: Statistics play a pivotal role in documenting and illustrating global economic and social development processes and those in individual countries, and in making decisions based on these documented realities and tendencies regardless of historical and cultural aspects. (...) Countries have started according special care to strengthening the capacities of their national statistical organizations and to producing true and timely statistical information. Mongolia is marching in the same pace and rhythm with our international and foreign counterparts in this area, and has been making every effort to deliver products and services necessary to monitor the implementation of MDGs and to successfully conduct the population and housing census.


Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Russian Federation issued a message to congratulate Russian statisticians on WSD: "The UN decision (to initiate a World Statistics Day) testifies to the essential and honourable character of your work and the great role of the theoretical and practical statistics in the global economic and social development.  Statistics is an essential instrument in state management and an objective basis for informing the public about social and economic indicators." (...) "It is significant that the first World Statistics Day is celebrated during the Russian National Census. I wish you success in your demanding and highly responsible work that will influence the evolution of our country and the standard of living for our people. (...) "I am confident that Russian statisticians will continue addressing their tasks, preserving old traditions, especially the long-established values of good service, integrity and professionalism, and creating new ones."


Prime Minister Bruce Golding, Jamaica: I am confident that World Statistics Day will encourage all producers and users to further improve our statistical data base and contribute to nation building. I must also use this opportunity to encourage all residents on our island to be part of the Census 2011 as, “Everyone Counts – You, Me All a Wi!” The findings of Census 2011 and all the other elements of official statistics contribute to Government adhering to its policy making decisions based on evidence. The Government of Jamaica is pleased to be ‘Celebrating with the rest of the world the many achievements and contributions of official statistics.’


Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama, Fiji: Accurate and timely data or statistics are crucial to economic and social development. It provides vital information to policy makers. It not only shows what has happened but also demonstrates trends, patterns and cycles. Such data and analysis are critical to developing resource allocation plans, budgeting, and carrying out socio-economic reforms. Such information is used by the private sector in targeting investment and product development. Civil society also uses such data while academia and researches use them for further analysis and at times to spur innovation and technological advancement.



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