Use of innovative data sources to measure SDGs progress on the environment

April 8th, 2021 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM (NY time)

The report on "Measuring Progress Towards Achieving the Environmental Dimension of the SDGS" which analyzed a list of 93 environment-related SDGs indicators highlighted that there is not sufficient data for 68 percent of the indicators related to the environment to assess progress. Some areas with limited data include biodiversity, ecosystem health, the concentration of pollution and waste in the environment, and other environmental threats. With limited data to assess the trend at the global level, there is a high risk of receiving less policy interventions and investments to improve the state of the environment.

Various organizations are exploring non-traditional data collection methods as traditional methods alone may not be enough to fill these data gaps. These non-traditional data collection methods, such as citizen science initiatives, earth observation, and integration of geospatial information, present advantages including lower cost of data collection, and better use of scientific expertise and indigenous knowledge amongst others. This webinar will bring together experts to:

  • Showcase initiatives to fill data gaps through non-traditional data collection methods to measure progress towards achieving the environmental dimensions of the SDGs.
  • Highlight the benefits of using non-traditional methods to fill data gaps of environment-related SDG indicators..

The webinar is part of the UN World Data Forum series and aims to bring data producers and users from different communities together and create an enabling environment for the integration and leveraging of various data sources and methodologies.

  • Moderator: Jillian Campbell, Head of Monitoring, Review and Reporting, UN Convention on Biological Diversity

  • Panelist: Argyro Kavvada, Executive Director, Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and Earth Scientist, NASA


  • Panelist: Lorenzo De Simone, Geospatial Specialist, Office of the Chief Statistician, FAO


  • Panelist: Dilek Fraisl, Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)


  • Panelist: Jimena Juarez, Head of the Technical Coordination Department, INEGI
