United Nations World Data Forum 2021

Following last year’s postponement of the in-person meeting of the UN World Data Forum, the Forum is back to planning for a hybrid event to take place in Bern, Switzerland between 3 and 6 October 2021 where leaders from across different data communities will come together to exchange ideas, showcase innovations, identify solutions, discuss future strategies, and provide mutual learning opportunities on a wide variety of topics organized across six thematic areas of the Forum.

Call for Data Stories

To highlight data innovation and success stories in the production and use of data and statistics, the high-level sessions at the Forum will showcase data stories submitted by the diverse data and statistics community. The Programme Committee invites you to submit short videos or visualization/infographics or graphical story/story map (web-based) to highlight data innovations and initiatives in one or more of the following areas:
  • How to innovate timely data for Covid-19 and the SDGs: Even before the data demands of the current Covid-19 pandemic, there was a widely held concern that the frequency and availability of data and statistics was not fit for purpose especially for informing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Demonstrate examples and stories that showcase the benefits of establishing a problem-solving partnership to drive improvements in the frequency, production or geospatial integration within data and statistics.
  • Leaving no one behind, the need to measure equity: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development made it a priority to measure sustainable development in terms of its impact on populations by their income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability and geographic location and other characteristics. While some advances on this have been made, progress is uneven across the world and patchy in the groups the data often covers. Highlight initiatives that demonstrate data innovations for these groups to inform better policy making and therefore better outcomes for the populations concerned.
  • Making it add up, counting on data and statistics during pandemics and other disasters: During the Covid-19 pandemic, there’s been much public attention and discussion on the level and trend of new cases and deaths from the virus to the point where methods, coverage and periodic collection lags within these data are put under intense scrutiny. Regardless of the measure of current focus, it is clear from the public’s perspective that a reliable interpretation of data matters. Showcase examples that demonstrate success in measuring reliable and timely data in times of health crisis or disasters.

Selection process

The Programme Committee will consider the following criteria when evaluating the videos:
  • Relevance – aligned with the specific topics requested and contributes to the overall objectives of the Forum
  • Clarity – communicates the key message articulately
  • Innovation – presents innovations in data and statistics, in either production or usage
  • Impact – presents impact of data and statistics on improving policy decisions and/or the lives of people

Submissions should include a balanced gender representation where applicable.Also, preference will be given to submissions that represent contributions from different data communities and geographical regions.

Format for submission: Upload your documentary on youtube.com or any other preferred platform and share the link through the form.

Call for data stories will close on Sunday, 25 July 2021.

Information required (in submission form)

  • Focal point to be contacted (name, affiliation and email)
  • Relevance to selected topics (listed above)
  • Data story title
  • Submission Description – short description of the submission, including focus, scope, and objectives
  • Submission Format
    • Expected duration of each video submission is up to 2 minutes.
    • Link to youtube or any other preferred platform
  • IMPORTANT: Incomplete submissions/ forms will not be considered

The selected video submissions will be showcased at the high-level sessions during the Forum. The submitters of the selected data stories will also be invited either in person or virtually to the Forum in Bern 2021.