TA 6. How far have we come?

(TA6.05) Will National Statistical Offices exist in 2030: And if they do still exist what will they look like?

GCC-Stat Hall October 23, 2018 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

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Stefan Schweinfest
Claire Melamed
Ola Awad
Zachary Mwangi
Oliver Chinganya
Rob Bumpstead

This session will explore a range of different views on the future of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and by doing so we aim to think more creatively about how NSOs might change over the coming years.

This innovative session will promote visionary ideas and blue sky thinking and will spark interesting discussions and new insights into the role of NSOs. In the run up to WDF we will encourage a range of blogs highlighting different views from discussants and others.

The session itself will use a "fishbowl" which will help participants to consider different perspectives and to develop an appreciation for opposing viewpoints. The structure will foster dynamic participation.

Almost every country in the world has a National Statistical Office, that is an organisation which is responsible for the collection and dissemination of official statistics. While these organisations may differ in scale and scope they exist for the same purpose, to provide trusted statistics to be used by policy makers.
The world around is rapidly changing and NSOs need to change to ensure they can continue to produce trusted statistics and that they are able to innovate and to meet the changing needs of users of their data.

The data revolution is seeing an unprecedented increase in both the volume and the types of data -- and the subsequent demand for them, in part due to the growth in new technologies. This revolution is allowing governments, companies, researchers and citizens to monitor progress and to drive action often with real-time disaggregated data. This creates both an opportunity and a challenge to NSOs. There is an opportunity for NSOs to use a wide range of new data sources and to use new tools to analyse this data. However, this also brings a range of challenges -- how do NSOs use private sector data? How do they analyse large datasets? How do they integrate new real time data with traditional data sources? How do NSOs retain their status as producers of trusted statistics in the face of misinformation and competition from other organisation producing their own data? NSOs across the world are adapting to these changes and many are embarking on large transformation programmes.

The World Data Forum is an important platform which brings together governments, civil society and the donor community with researchers. This interactive session will create important connections between stakeholders, helping to identify key opportunities and challenges which NSOs either are facing now or are likely to face in the coming years.