TA 5. Building trust in data and statistics

(TA5.10) Community Data Collaborations to Achieve the SDGs

Ajman Stat Hall October 22, 2018 9:00 am - 10:15 am

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Jeanne Holm
Mohammed Abdeljalil
Robyn Brazzil
Mohammed Owais

The inaugural public event of the Data4SDGs was a civic technology event, aimed at convening people from diverse backgrounds, experiences, expertise, occupations, and languages to build together priorities and actions that left no one behind: http://www.data4sdgs.org/index.php/news/sustainable-development-goals-community-event.

As a global event, the World Data Forum has the opportunity to speak to the playful passion that is the heart of a world that counts, where everyone has a voice and a role to play, and all are called to collaborate.

This session seeks to bring forward that energy and enthusiasm with techniques to engage and inspire and bring energy and laughter to the goals we share, and expanding the circle of actors to improve the data we need. Each individual and organization that work toward goals reflected in the SDGs can be counted and should be included, here we share practically how to do just that and engender trust in the process and people accountable for reaching the SDGs.