TA 5. Building trust in data and statistics

(TA5.05) Analytics for public good

Dewa Hall October 23, 2018 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

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Sabir Said Rashid Al-Harbi
H.E. Aisha Bin Bishr
Mete Guney
Robert Kirkpatrick
Alexandra Mousavizadeh

We are all unwittingly generating enormous amounts of data and are even more ferociously consuming and demanding real time analytics. Practically all applications on phones and tablets demand access to personal details, contacts, location, media and credit card information. Tremendous amount of data is being mined by the private sector; potentially revealing important and powerful stories about our economies and societies. This data revolution raises important existential questions for the NSO communities and opens a minefield for governments and civil society as they balance privacy concerns with the unprecedented and unfretted data flows. Use of data for public good cannot be done without proper data privacy and data protection frameworks as well as risk mitigation mechanisms implemented from the start.
The panel will discuss how privacy protection and ethical use of data and technology can be utilized for public good.