TA 5. Building trust in data and statistics

(TA5.02) Multi-stakeholder data collaborations for sustainable development in Africa

Dubai Stat Hall October 24, 2018 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

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Philip Thigo
Nnenna Nwakanma
Yeama Thompson
Charlie Marital Ngounou
Jeanne Holm
Oliver Chinganya

This is a multi-stakeholder session on data collaborations across Africa. The 90-minute session will include presentations of ongoing continental initiatives, and in-depth discussion on improving collaborations among stakeholders in Africa 's data landscape. Among others, the session will seek to find a way forward for:

  • Sharing good practices and challenges on data collaborations in Africa
  • Broadening engagement for a stronger and better data ecosystem across Africa
  • Ensuring government investment in open data results in improved capacity for data across government
  • Strengthening the existing networks -- AODN and CAFDO
  • Sustaining the Africa Open Data Conferences and key convenings
  • The Africa Data Revolution Report of 2020

The targeted audience include policymakers, statistics professionals, civil society and researchers.