TA 4. Understanding the world through data

(TA4.10) New Engagement Approaches for NSOs to Increase Data Use

Smart Dubai Hall October 23, 2018 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

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Mihir Prakash
Eric Swanson
Josh Powell
Ruth Minja
François Fonteneau

As evidenced in the Cape Town Global Action Plan (CTGAP) for Sustainable Development Data, national statistical offices (NSOs) hold significant, and still largely untapped, power in catalyzing partnerships and mobilizing resources to complete the Plan’s “”to-do”” list. However, NSOs have an extensive to-do list themselves: in addition to producing data and statistics for decision-making, NSOs are under increasing pressure to coordinate statistical activities across government line ministries and find new and innovative partnerships with non-traditional producers (private sector, academia, civil society etc.) to respond to the growing data demands of the 2030 Agenda. How can an engagement-minded approach to building strong data ecosystems assist NSOs in their own work mandates while also helping to achieve the ambitions outlined in the CTGAP and SDGs?

Tactics to increase the use (and usefulness) of statistics include: utilizing “”decision demand”” to drive NSO resources and priorities; taking problem-driven, iterative, and adaptive approaches to identifying opportunities for evidence-based decision-making; “”joining up”” administrative and statistical data; implementing open data standards; understanding the political economy of data use; and monitoring the use and improving user interaction of data portals, a principal mean of providing official statistics to the world. During this panel, we will hear from forward-thinking NSOs and organizations about the engagement and coordination happening at the frontier of progress towards the SDGs.