TA 4. Understanding the world through data

(TA4.09) Matchmaking for the Data Revolution: Bringing Data Producers and Users Together

Smart Dubai Hall October 23, 2018 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm

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Paige Kirby
Deirdre Appel
Ayush Ariunzaya
Natalia Carfi
Harpinder Collacott

In Cape Town in 2017, we recognized the importance of comprehensive interaction and alignment between the two sides of data supply and demand — but, once we accomplish this, how can we achieve use?

Data users can range from public sector users (ministries, public entities), to academia, think tanks, journalists, and citizens. This session will discuss the relationship NSOs have with the people and institutions that use their data. Working off of data wants and needs expressed by the users themselves, we will discuss ways to activate inclusive producer-user network that must come along with enhancing data use.

During this snappy session, participants will participate in a "speed dating" activity, "matchmaking" users and producers. They will explore what does (or doesn 't) work, when seeking to productively bring together data users and producers. The speed dating session will be followed by an open floor for audience questions and networking.