TA 3. Leaving no one behind

(TA3.07) Data for Policy Action : Using Big Data to Drive Development for All

Bayanat Hall October 22, 2018 10:30 am - 11:45 am

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Davis Adieno
Harpinder Collacott
Al Kags

This session aims to facilitate a discussion around how big data -- and data from citizens can be used to improve community 's lives. The session will involve the presentation of two practical examples from different parts of the world, where public service delivery has seen transformation and where initiatives have been taken forward that have revolutionized the way governments at different levels engage with the citizens and how governments and civil society have adopted evidence-driven policy-making through innovative and efficient use of big data analytics. This has resulted in the Government becoming more citizen- centric, responsive, accountable and transparent. These case studies cover data management at the macro and the micro level and thereby show how critical and imperative it is to work across levels to improve service delivery.

The first of the case studies is from India 's largest state, Madhya Pradesh, which is a low-income state with a large proportion of historically excluded groups to showcase two data focused initiatives that have led to widespread transparency and improved service delivery. These are the Chief Minister 's dashboard which integrates information from various sources (including real time information) to promote evidence-based decision making and the Chief Ministers Helpline, a unified gateway to register grievances related to all aspects of government functioning.

The second case study is from Kenya, the Global Goals for Local Impact initiative, through which Citizens in Nakuru county conducted a mini-census of all households in their village and used that information to advocate for key improvements to their community, including the establishment of a hospital and ensuring that every single household got a water filter for clean drinking water.

These presentations will then be bolstered by a wide ranging conversation by all participants to promote cross learning of new models and ways to leverage data to change citizen 's lives, and therefore leave no one behind.