TA 3. Leaving no one behind

(TA3.03) Collective action to fill the gaps on Leave No one Behind

Sharjah Stat Hall October 24, 2018 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

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Estefania Charvet
Anupama Ranawana
Lykke Eg Andersen
Ibrahima Hathie
Towfiqul Islam Khan

This will be an interactive session. The focus will be on working out the challenges on the data required to analyze the concept of Leave No one Behind on three different SDGs.

In February 2018, Southern Voice launched a call for research proposals on its new flagship initiative the ‘State of the SDGs '. This initiative is aimed at producing a biennial report on the progress of the SDGs from the perspective of countries in the Global South. This year 's overarching theme is ‘Leave No one Behind ' and three additional topics: education, energy and growth and employment. The final aim is to inform the HLPF 2019 on the progress so far and the opportunities to achieve inclusive development.

Six research teams from Africa, Latin America and Asia working on case studies to inform the global report. They will identify different data challenges they face to identify those excluded in relation to one of the following themes: sustainable energy, good education or decent jobs.

Based on the identified challenges, the aim is to invite data experts to work together to fill the gaps in identified using novel data and methods. The participants will have the opportunity discuss the different challenges and give their input and suggestions.