TA 2. Innovations and synergies across different data ecosystems

(TA2.13) Measuring the Unmeasured: New Data for Insights into SDG Tier III indicators

Bayanat Hall October 23, 2018 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm

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Jennifer Colville
Emmanuel Letouzé
Bishoy Louis
Lejla Sadiku

The gap in official data and methodologies is an impediment to designing evidence-based policies in developing countries and understanding the state of Sustainable Development Goals in high priority areas for the countries. Reliable and timely measurement of SDGs is inhibited by structural constraints on institutions, low quality data, limited technical capacities, and insufficient financial resources; while experimentation with big and new data is also lagging behind. In this session, we will launch a knowledge platform on using new data for measurement of SDG Tier III indicators stemming from projects across the world, as well as bring to the fore the experiences of countries in Africa, Arab States and Europe and Central Asia, on the transformative effect that new sources of data can play for official statistics as well as timely evidence based decision making especially in the areas of public service satisfaction (Goal 16), sustainable and inclusive cities (Goal 11), ensuring decent work (Goal 8) and clean water (Goal 6).

The session would focus on the role of new approaches, new data and new partnerships in addressing data gaps in the measurement of SDG Tier III indicators. We will hone into how statistical offices across the different regions, are leveraging new data sources, how are they addressing the discrepancies between principles of official statistics, the capacity gaps in this process and what are the partnerships that have been leveraged. By showing practical examples, we intend to illustrate how can official statistics be complemented with digital breadcrumbs (booking, tripadvisor), and what different experiences teach us about the pros and cons of using different sources (Facebook, SMS) to measure satisfaction with public service delivery.