TA 1. New approaches to capacity development for better data

(TA1.09) Bridging the humanitarian-development gap in conflict situations

Dubai Stat Hall October 23, 2018 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

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Ola Awad
Javier Teran
Kimberly Roberson
Neil Jackson
Qasem Saeed Al Zoubi
Hédi Saidi
Risenga Maluleke

Identifying solutions to the humanitarian-development data gap in conflict situations.

An area that has been identified as important for improved integration of humanitarian and development approaches in increasing the interoperability between the data collected for immediate humanitarian needs and the data collected to inform longer-term development policies.

In humanitarian crises and conflict situations, data is often collected for specific, short-term objectives, reflecting the rapidly changing context of the response and the often data-poor environments.

This has meant that most humanitarian and conflict data collection, while serving the immediate operational requirement to respond quickly, is short lived in terms of its relevance and limited in terms of applicability to the more general questions to be addressed by development programmes.

However, if humanitarian and conflict data was collected with a greater understanding of the longer term data requirements of the development community, it could provide a greater linkage between understanding the current needs, and implementation of longer terms programmes to address the systemic issues and transition response from humanitarian to development interventions. Data collected by humanitarian actors could raise issues in a way that development actors could better understand, and hence be in a better position to address sooner. It is important to ensure that the data exist to facilitate a transition from emergency aid to more longer-term development-oriented solutions and this planning needs to be considered from the outset of an emergency.


  • To bring together stakeholders from different backgrounds and perspectives to identify solutions that can be taken to bridge the humanitarian-development data gap in conflict situations
  • To identify some ‘easy wins ' in the short term and longer term actions for bridging the divide
  • To discuss the existing and anticipated challenges in implementing the actions and how they can be mitigated
  • To share experiences between different countries and the possible way to overcome obstacles and challenges facing these countries on the implementation of the 2030 agenda.