TA 1. New approaches to capacity development for better data

(TA1.04) Impact measurement, SDGs and support to official statistics-- the role of private sector and partnerships

Ajman Stat Hall October 22, 2018 10:30 am - 11:45 am

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Misha Belkindas
Anuj Mehra
Rabayl Mirza
Catharina Fransen
Phetsamone Sone
Pietro Bertazzi
Matthew Shearing

Achieving the SDGs will require far more action and capital than governments, multilaterals, and foundations can provide. This session will bring focus to private sector 's role as a transformative partner in progress towards the SDGs as well as a provider of critical support to national support systems.

The session will start by highlighting examples of how companies are contributing to the SDGs and are approaching their impact measurement efforts -- specifically sharing findings from Business Call to Action 's impact work with leading Inclusive Businesses. The session will invite a private sector representative to share their perspectives on how they measure and manage their contribution to the society and environment, as well as how they disclose it.

The second half of the session will present the need for more support to the national statistical systems in particular in developing countries. The data revolution and adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals gave a new impetus for the development of the national statistical systems. Statistical systems in developed and developing countries alike struggle to develop new surveys to better use administrative records and private sector data to develop data bases for estimation of SDG indicators.

To measure the contribution of all the players, statistical systems in particular in developing countries, need strengthening and support. Private sector and government agencies can and should work together to deliver needed aid to support statistical systems with lower capacity by enabling the adaptation to innovative solutions developed in data production.

This round table will bring representatives from private consultancies which are active in the field, representatives from national statistical agencies of donor countries who are active in capacity development, and representatives from private sector who have experience in measuring their contributions to the SDGs.

Main expected outcomes of the session:

  1. Enhanced understanding of the private sector 's approaches to measuring their contributions to the SDGs
  2. Better understanding of the magnitude of the upcoming demand for expertise for capacity building in official statistics worldwide and success stories about capacity development at NSIs which could be potentially multiplied;
  3. An explanation why the combination of private and public service provider institutions in capacity development can potentially bring in the best from both worlds in terms of both quantity and of quality of technical assistance expertise including recent innovations for the benefit of the statistics authorities and the national statistical systems.