Workshop on Statistical Organization and Management for SADC member states

United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Statistics Division
2-6 December 2006, Luanda
, Angola


Luanda Declaration for Statistics


Immediately after the workshop organized by the United Nations Statistics Division in conjunction with the National Statistical Institute of Angola, the celebrations of the African Statistics Day in Angola took place, on 7 December 2006, counting with the participation of high level officials from the Angolan Government as well as high level representatives from the United Nations, the African Union Commission, and representatives of National Statistical Offices of SADC countries.  Together, they adopted the Luanda Declaration for Statistics.

  Luanda Declaration for Statistics- Dec 06 - English version
  Declaração de Luanda – Dez 06 – Portuguese version
  Angolan Minister of Planning - Ms. Ana Dias Lourenço   Speakers: Mr. Abdoulie Janneh - Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and high officials from the Angolan Government as well as representatives from the African Union Commission, Friends of UNECA and United Nations Statistics Division
  Also present were chief statisticians and directors from SADC national statistical offices and representatives from international agencies