Workshop on Household Surveys and Measurement of Labour Force with Focus on Informal Economy
14-18 April 2008, Maseru, Lesotho
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Statistics Division, DESAList of documents
Documentation Agenda 26 KBList of Participants 33 KBWorkshop Recommendations 9 KBFinal Report 100 KBPapers and Presentations Opening Remarks Gender issues and the incorporation of a gender perspective into statistical production and dissemination: Overview 2,667 KBOverview of key gender issues in the labour force: African experiences 1,898 KBCountry presentations: Gender issues and the production of labour statistics
-Mozambique 299 KB-Malawi 708 KB-South Africa 431 KBThe SNA Framework: Review and conceptual mapping of key gender issues 403 KBInformal Sector: Key concepts and definitions; criteria for identifying enterprises in the informal sector 322 KBInformal Employment: Key concepts and definitions; conceptual framework to identify informal employees see aboveData collection programmes: Overview of data sources for the informal sector 159 KBThe Statcom-Africa Working Group: Informal Sector and Informal Employment Measurement in African Countries 447 KBDesign and Implementation of Labour force surveys, with a view to measuring all forms of women’s and men’s work, including informal employment 445 KBCase studies of some surveys in SADC countries:
-South Africa 462 KB-Tanzania 130 KB-Namibia 19 KB-Madagascar 105 KBTabulation, presentation and dissemination: Highlighting gender issues 1,453 KBIdentifying data needs through user-producer collaboration 285 KBNSS: Coordination 260 KBLabour statistics requirements for monitoring international frameworks on gender equality: The case of the African Gender and Development Index (AGDI) 550 KBRoundtable discussion: Unemployment and complementary indicators of labour under-utilisation 20 KBCosts and benefits of annual labour force surveys 71 KBTowards harmonization of concepts and definitions for SADC countries 254 KBBuilding partnerships for the incorporation of gender in labour statistics: global and regional programmes Global Gender Statistics Programme, United Nations Statistics Division 401 KBUNECA Regional Gender Statistics Programme, UN Economic Commission for Africa 310 KBILO supporting documents ICLS resolutions and guidelines
Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal sector, adopted by the 15 th ICLS (1993) Resolution concerning the measurement of underemployment and inadequate employment situations, adopted by the 16 th ICLS (1998) Labour force Informal sector, informal employment Gender