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30 January, 2015
UNSD Calendar of EventsDecember 2014Workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective in the Production of statistics, The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) and the Jordan Department of Statistics, is organizing a workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective in the Production of statistics, in Amman, Jordan, from 1 to 4 December 2014. The workshop aims to train national statisticians on: (1) producing gender statistics from available data sources; (2) using data from population censuses for gender analysis; and (3) ways to produce, disseminate and communicate gender statistics to properly inform policies. The workshop will also foster exchange of national experiences among participating countries.
Regional Workshop for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean “Supporting Developing Countries Measure Progress Towards Achieving a Green Economy”, The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is organising the first regional workshop within the United Nations Development Account project “Supporting Developing Countries Measure Progress Towards Achieving a Green Economy” led by UNSD in collaboration with UNEP, UNIDO, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Rev. 3, Within the framework of the International Programme for Accelerating the Improvement of Vital Statistics and Civil Registration Systems, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA), is organising a Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Rev. 3, for English-speaking African countries. The workshop will be hosted by UN-ECA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 2 to 5 December, 2014. The main purpose of the workshop is to provide guidance to countries on the implementation of the new revision of the United Nations recommendations for the collection and compilation of vital statistics at national level through civil registration and other sources such as population censuses, sample surveys, population registers, and health records, at the same time providing full overview of contemporary international statistical standards and requirements. At the same time, it will offer an opportunity to statisticians, on one side, and civil registrars, on the other, to directly interact and exchange experiences and practices using national civil registration and vital statistics systems as a framework.
November 2014Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics, The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S), Ministry of Commerce and Industry and CSO, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India in cooperation with EU-ASEAN COMPASS project jointly organize a Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics from 3 to 6 November in New Delhi, India. The objective of seminar is to improve the understanding of recommendations on international trade statistics and to share experiences on how to possibly improve the implementation in national statistical systems with better coordination and cooperation among data providers and compilers. And the ultimate goal is to produce the highest quality of international trade statistics, which are relevant for the policy makers at home and which are also comparable at the regional and international levels.
5th Global Forum on Gender Statistics, The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI) are organising the 5th Global Forum on Gender Statistics under the Global Gender Statistics Programme and the guidance of the Interagency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS). The Forum will be held in Aguascalientes, Mexico on 3-5 November 2014 and will serve as a platform to review methods and data (including innovative approaches/initiatives) to measure and monitor gender equality and women’s empowerment in the following thematic “pillars”: women and the economy; violence against women; time use; political participation; the environment; and women in armed conflicts. The Forum will also cover recent initiatives focused on how to fill in gender data gaps.
8th Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS), The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is organizing the 8th Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS) in Aguascalientes, Mexico on 2 November 2014. The meeting will bring together representatives from national statistics offices, international agencies, Regional Commissions and other experts to discuss specific gender statistics initiatives and issues. The meeting will cover the International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics (ICATUS), proposed headline indicators on violence against women, the Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) initiative, and an update on the work of the Advisory Group on Emerging Issues.
October 2014International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics, Innovations in technology, broad use of electronic devices and the all-around generation of digital information bring fundamental changes to the availability of real-time information, such as data from GPS devices, from mobile phones or from social media. These high-volume and sometimes loosely structured data sources, commonly referred to as Big Data, are different from conventional data sources for official statistics, and have many challenges in their application. The business case still needs to be made for many statistical offices if, why and how Big Data are useful for official statistics.
The potential of Big Data sources resides in their timely (sometimes real-time) availability of large amounts of data. The traditional data sources, such as household and business surveys are often costly and slow in the production of statistics. Big Data could supplement, reduce or replace such data collections. However, the statistical community is conscious of the fact that in order to be able to take advantage of these innovative data sources, it needs to adequately address issues pertaining to methodology, quality, technology, legislation, privacy, management and finance. It is also of utmost importance to create an environment where public trust in the use of Big Data for official statistics is established and where privacy and confidentiality of personal information can be assured.
The statistical community has recognized the potential use of big data for official statistics. The UN Statistical Commission therefore established in March 2014 a global working group mandated to provide strategic vision, direction and coordination of a global programme on Big Data for official statistics, to promote practical use of sources of Big Data for official statistics, while finding solutions for their challenges, and to promote capacity building and sharing of experiences in this respect. Currently, mainly developed countries have started using various Big Data sources, such as Mobile phone data, Traffic loop data, Twitter data and Satellite imagery. Whereas national circumstances can be fairly unique, the objective of the Conference and of the global working group is to generalize the use of such Big Data sources to other countries, especially also in developing parts of the world. The Conference will bring together statisticians, data scientists and academia, who are interested in making Big Data sources useful for statistical applications.
Workshop on Revision 3 of Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses and Census Data Evaluation, UNSD will conduct the Workshop on Revision 3 of Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses and Census Data Evaluation, in collaboration with Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics, in Amman, Jordan, from 19 to 23 October 2014. The workshop will bring together statisticians from twenty-two countries and representatives of international organizations. The workshop aims to increase the knowledge of the government statisticians on the revised international principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses; enhance the knowledge of the staff on importance of evaluation of the quality of census data and identification of types of errors in census data through using demographic techniques; and improve their capability in identifying gaps and challenges in applying international standards in conducting population and housing censuses and improving the quality of data collected through the census. The workshop also aims to provide a platform for participants to share their national experiences and learn from good practices. London Group on Environmental Accounting, The London Group on Environmental Accounting is holding its annual meeting in New Delhi, India, on 15-17 October 2014. The London Group comprises experts from national statistical offices, as well as international organizations and plays a leading role in advancing the methodologies of environmental-economic accounts. This year the group will discuss, among other things, Integrated Approaches to the implementation of the System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA), the Technical Notes and Core Tables for the SEEA Central Framework, issues relating to SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting, Training and Capacity Building, and the SEEA-Agriculture. Expert Group on International Statistical Classifications, UNSD will host a meeting of the Technical Subgroup for the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (TSG-ISIC) on 14-16 October 2014 in New York. The meeting will discuss necessary clarifications for ISIC Rev.4, such as the treatment of Factoryless Goods Producers (FGPs) in the classification, to ensure a consistent application of ISIC interpretation and application rules. 26th Meeting of Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on MDG indicators (IAEG-MDG), The 26th Meeting of Inter-agency and Expert Group on MDG Indicators (IAEG-MDG) will be organised by UNDESA Statistics Division on 7-9 October 2014 in Geneva, and will be hosted by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The IAEG-MDG has been responsible for data development, compilation and analysis for the assessment of trends in MDG indicators. During the meeting, the outcomes of the debates on MDGs at the 69th session of the General Assembly as well as on outcomes of various post-2015 development-related processes and the Sustainable Development Goals will be reviewed. The participants will also discuss how to prepare the 2015 final global MDG report. September 2014International Conference on the measurement of Trade and Economic Globalization, The high level of import content in exports makes gross bilateral trade statistics unsuitable for bilateral trade negotiations. Trade analysis requires new measures which better reflect the level of interdependencies among countries engaged in global value chains. In order to understand the true nature of trade relationships, it is necessary to know what each country along a global value chain contributes to the value of a final product. In addition, it is important to understand how that contribution is linked to those of other suppliers in other countries coming before and after along the chain, and how much employment and income is generated through this value addition.
Implementation f ISIC Rev.4 in Arab countries, UNSD in cooperation with the Economic and Social Commission of Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) is organizing a workshop o the implementation of the International Standard Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev.4 to assist countries in the region on 28 Sep – 01 Oct 2014 in Amman, Jordan. The workshop will cover the overall organization of an update process, development of national classifications, the recoding of the business register and issues of backcasting of statistical series. UNSD will also provide direct assistance to the Companies Control Department of Jordan in the update of the business registration process, implementing ISIC Rev.4. Developing guidance on national accounts compilation, Ninth meeting of the Advisory expert Group on National Accounts, The event is organised by the Inter-secretariat Working Group on National Accounts members, namely DESA’s Statistics Division, OECD, Eurostat, IMF and World Bank at the World Bank Head Quarters in Washington D.C. .
Strengthening national statistical systems, High-level Meeting for Coordinated Implementation of International Standards for Macroeconomic Statistics , The event is organized by DESA’s Statistics Division, in collaboration with Eurostat, Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, International Monetary Fund, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) and the World Bank.
August 2014Fourth Session of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) and Global Forum on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, UNSD is organizing the Fourth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), to be held in New York, 6-8 August 2014. As a formal inter-governmental mechanism, UN-GGIM is playing a leading role in setting the agenda and direction for the development of global geospatial information and in promoting its use to address key global challenges. The purpose of the Session is to provide a forum to liaise and coordinate among Member States, and between Member States, international organizations and other stakeholders for the provision of authoritative, reliable and maintained geospatial information in support of evidence-based decision making and sustainable development. Workshop on Gender Statistics for countries from the Pacific region, The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), is organizing a workshop on Gender Statistics for countries from the Pacific region. The workshop will take place in Nadi, Fiji, from 4 to 6 August 2014. This is one of a series of workshops conducted by UNSD, under the Global Gender Statistics Programme, to provide training and assistance to strengthen the capacity of countries to produce and disseminate gender statistics and to use gender statistics for policymaking. These workshops focus primarily on Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics, Time Use Statistics and Statistics on Violence against Women. The workshops aim to promote and train national statisticians on agreed international standards, share best practices and ensure collaboration and networking among gender statisticians and other relevant stakeholders, for the production, dissemination and communication of gender statistics that are policy relevant, internationally comparable and technically sound. The workshop for the Pacific region will assist national statisticians with translating international guidelines into practice at the national level, taking into account the specific contexts of countries in the region July 2014Workshop on the Measurement of Household Production for Satellite Accounts and 36th Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR), The UN Statistics Division is extending fellowships to selected statisticians from National Statistical Offices in developing countries to participate in a workshop on the Measurement of Household Production for Satellite Accounts, organized by IATUR in collaboration with Statistics Finland. The main objective of the workshop is to train statisticians on how to build a satellite account for household production (data needed, sources and methods for the compilation of accounts). Participants will also attend the 36th International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) Conference, to be held after the workshop, from 30 July to 1 August 2014. The conference will serve as an important opportunity to share, review and discuss methods and tools among statisticians and researchers interested in theoretical and empirical areas related to measuring and producing statistics on time use. June 2014Ninth Meeting of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA), The United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) is composed of representatives from national statistical offices and international agencies, and provides strategic vision and direction to environmental-economic accounting and related statistics. The Ninth UNCEEA meeting will discuss how the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) can inform the current process on the development of SDGs and the role of the UNCEEA in advancing the work on indicators. It will also discuss modalities of cooperation with the corporate sector developing sustainability reporting and the input-output community working on multiregional input-output (MRIO) analysis. The meeting will also discuss a proposal for a medium-term programme of work for the implementation of the SEEA. It will discuss the work programme of the technical committee on the SEEA Central Framework, including proposals for core set of tables and accounts and process to finalize them, training of trainers, compilation guidelines and other materials supporting the implementation of the SEEA. May 2014Regional Workshop on Production and Use of Vital Statistics: Applying Tools and Materials Available to Improve Vital Statistics, The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), a regional institution of the UNESCAP, and Statistics Korea, the national statistical authority of the Republic of Korea is organizing the Third Regional Workshop on Production and Use of Vital Statistics: Applying Tools and Materials Available to Improve Vital Statistics. The regional workshop will be conducted from 26 to 30 May 2014 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. With the view to strengthen technical capacity to contribute to the efforts in improving civil registration and vital statistics systems, the workshop aims to increase the knowledge of government statisticians and civil registration officials about the revised international principles and recommendations for compiling, processing and disseminating vital statistics; and improve their capability in identifying gaps and challenges in applying international standards to improve their vital statistics system. The participants of the workshop consist of one statistician and one civil registrar from 14 Asian countries. United Nations Regional Workshop on Data Dissemination and Communication, The Workshop is part of a global series of workshops on data dissemination and communication, with the purpose of providing a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination of statistical data and metadata. The Workshop will review emerging trends, innovative approaches and technological tools employed in the dissemination of data. The Workshop is expected to provide a basis for assessing existing national dissemination strategies as well as technologies used by National Statistical Offices. It will also aid in taking stock of national capacities and challenges for meeting the increasing requirements of users. Furthermore, the Workshop is expected to help in identifying good practices and lessons learned in the dissemination and communication of data. The ideas generated by the discussion and the recommendations made by participants during all workshops will contribute towards the drafting of a technical report and/or the creation of a knowledge base on the UNSD website, dedicated to the topic of effective dissemination of data. Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics: Implementation of recommendations, Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics: Implementation of recommendations organized jointly by the African Union Commission (AUC) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) from 12 to 16 May 2014 at the AUC Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
April 2014Second Expert Group Meeting on the Revision of Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, The United Nations Statistics Division is conducting the Second Expert Group Meeting on the Revision of Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses in New York, 29 April - 2 May 2014. The first meeting took place in November 2013 and resulted in establishing three working groups, each focussing on particular part of the principles and recommendations. The second meeting of the expert group will review the consolidated input and contributions and discuss both general and specific issues and topics, leading to the draft text of revised principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses. This expert group comprises of over fifty experts from national statistical offices and international and regional organizations. 28th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN), Preparations are underway for the staging of the 28th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) to be held from April 28 to May 2, 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York, in conference room 2 of the Secretariat Building. This session being organised by the UNSD, brings together experts consisting of cartographers, geographers, names experts, historians, linguists, planners and surveyors who are expected to share best practices, cooperative ventures and new developments in geographical names administration and practical outcomes of names standardization. It is expected that the programme of work, issues and challenges will be addressed through the discussions and interactions of attendees from Member States and about 20 linguistic Divisions. There will also be side events, consisting of Divisional meetings and learning centres, in addition to an exhibition of maps and posters showcasing indigenous geographical names. The upcoming 28th Session of UNGEGN will be another milestone and step by a global community of experts who share the vision and goals of making available geographical names, a fundamental data set which supports geospatial information management, and enables decision making for sustainable development. Workshop for the UNSD-DFID project on "Improving the collation, availability and dissemination of national development indicators, including MDGs", The workshop "CountryData: Building better dissemination systems for national development indicators," organized by UNSD, will take place from 21 - 25 April in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This workshop is the fourth in a series of international workshops planned by the UNSD-DFID Project on “Improving the collation, availability and dissemination of national development indicators, including MDGs”. The series of workshops has served to build capacity around implementing the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) dissemination model promoted by the project. The fourth workshop will, in particular, look at complex issues and advanced topics in SDMX mapping and exchange. It will also focus on metadata and its use in discrepancy analysis, with a long term view to reducing discrepancies between national and international development data. The training will be led by UNSD and will bring together statistical and IT project focal points from the 11 countries participating in the project. March 2014United Nations Regional Seminar on Promotion and Utilization of Census Results and on the revision of the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, UNSD in collaboration with Statistics South Africa, the African Development Bank, UNFPA and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa African Centre for Statistics, is organizing a Regional Seminar on Promotion and Utilization of Census Results and on the revision of the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses. The objectives of the Regional Seminar is to discuss lessons learnt and share national experience from the 2010 round of population and housing censuses with regard to effective strategies for promoting the dissemination and utilization of census data. The regional seminar will also provide an opportunity to gather the input of African countries towards the revision of the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses. The knowledge shared during the Regional Seminar will enable participating countries to promote utilization of their census data from the 2010 round and to better plan and develop strategies for utilization of data from censuses conducted during the 2020 round. Training for trainers on Energy Statistics and Balances in the Arab region, The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA) is organizing a Training for trainers on Energy Statistics and Balances in the Arab region on 9-13 March 2014 in Muscat, Oman. The training is organized in cooperation with the Statistical Center for the Cooperation Council for the Arab countries of the Gulf (GCC Stat), the International Energy Agency and UNSD. The aim of the workshop is (a) to build capacity of experts in energy statistics to collect basic energy statistics and compile energy balances and (b) to review the links between energy statistics and energy accounts, energy efficiency indicators and CO2 emissions. UNSD staff will participate as a resource person in the training. February 201425th Meeting of Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on MDG indicators, The 25th Meeting of Inter-agency and Expert Group on MDG Indicators (IAEG-MDGs) will be organised by UN Statistics Division on 26 and 27 February 2014 in New York. The Meeting will discuss how to prepare the 2014 global MDG monitoring report and related outputs. During the Meeting, the outcome of the informal meeting of the Open Working Group on measuring progress and its implication to the IAEG-MDGs will also be reviewed. The meeting will be preceded by a half day meeting by the Task Team on Lessons learnt from MDG monitoring and a half day meeting by the sub-group on Use of Administrative Data for Monitoring Development Goals and Targets on 25 February 2014. 9th Regional JODI Training Workshop, The International Energy Forum (IEF) in collaboration with the JODI partners APEC, Eurostat, IEA, OPEC, OLADE and UNSD is organizing the 9th Regional JODI Training Workshop on 25-27 February 2014 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Workshop aims to improve the quality and availability of monthly oil data and train participants in the collection and reporting of monthly gas data within the JODI programme. The work on gas data is especially important in light of the upcoming launch of the JODI-Gas database in May 2014. UNSD staff will participate as a resource person in the training. January 2014Data Managers Meeting, The Fourth Data Managers Meeting will be held in New York, from 22 to 24 January 2014, hosted by the UN Statistics Division. The Meeting will provide an opportunity for data managers from international agencies to update each other on recent developments in data dissemination and identify ways of expanding and improving the UNdata portal further (data.un.org) . The meeting will cover several specific topics, including: Data Revolution, SDMX, and the use of API. |