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12 January, 2007
UNSD Calendar of Events
2006 International Workshop on Country Practices in Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics, The workshop will review the country practices in compilation of international merchandise trade statistics (IMTS) in the regions of South and South-East Asia. This review will be guided by the country replies to the questionnaire on the National Compilation and Dissemination Practices (NCDP), which was sent out in July 2006. The questionnaire deals with a broad range of issues starting from institutional arrangements to reporting practices. In addition, current concepts, definitions and recommendations of IMTS, Rev.2 will be reviewed and discussed in light of the revisions of SNA93, BPM5, the Manual on SITS, the Kyoto convention and relevant economic classifications. Issues which will be covered are – among others - the boundary between goods and services, goods for processing abroad, and linkages between trade and business statistics. For information please refer to: Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on the Development of Gender Statistics The United Nations Statistics Division, in collaboration with The World Bank and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is convening an Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on the Development of Gender Statistics to explore ways of strengthening collaboration and promoting partnerships among stakeholders in the development of gender statistics. The meeting will review some of the key initiatives and strategies that are considered as being most successful; identify specific programmes and products that have enhanced capacities at national and regional levels in the collection, compilation and dissemination of gender statistics; and plan for launching an initiative to improve the availability, accessibility and use of reliable gender statistics for planning, monitoring and evaluation, at various levels, in particular at the national level. For information please refer to: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/meetings/egm/genderstats06/default.htm Measuring International Migration: Concepts and methods The United Nations Statistics Division seeks through this expert group meeting to assess requirements for international migration statistics in response to policy interest and the challenges faced by national statistical systems in measuring international migration flows and stock. The meeting will review national practices in the compilation of migration statistics and identify difficulties associated with the recommended concepts and definitions. It will explore ways to foster cooperation between policy machineries of governments and their data collection agencies, and develop a plan for the improvement of migration statistics. The outcome will help determine the scope and content of a handbook on statistics of international migration to be prepared by UNSD. For information please refer to: Training Workshop on Statistical Organization and Management for SADC member states This workshop is organized within the framework of the project on Strengthening Statistical Capacity in support of progress towards the internationally agreed development goals in the Southern African Development Community region (SADC). The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for active sharing of experience and training in the areas of Leadership and Management, Staffing, Statistical Legislation and Positioning of National Statistical Offices in Government, as agreed during the discussions at the first steering committee meeting of the abovementioned project.
Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses (for French Speaking African Countries) The United Nations Statistics Division is planning two back-to-back workshops on the Implementation of the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2 for English speaking African countries in Maputo, Mozambique, 30 October - 2 November 2006 and for French speaking African countries in Bamako, Mali, 6-9 November 2006. These workshops are designed to reach three major goals: (a) introduce the revised set of principles and recommendations, including the recommended tabulations as a new international standard; (b) provide an opportunity for participants to discuss these standards and to assess their feasibility and implementation in national census practices, and (c) through national reports prepared for these workshops, produce a list of the most pressing issues that national authorities are facing in preparing and conducting population and housing censuses. This list, in turn, will allow UNSD the planning of future inter-regional, regional and sub-regional activities as part of the implementation of the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses. Contact: Srdjan Mrkic, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4940
Workshop on the Principles and Recommendations for the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses The United Nations Statistics Division is planning two back-to-back workshops on the Implementation of the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2 for English speaking African countries in Maputo, Mozambique, 30 October - 2 November 2006 and for French speaking African countries in Bamako, Mali, 6-9 November 2006. These workshops are designed to reach three major goals: (a) introduce the revised set of principles and recommendations, including the recommended tabulations as a new international standard; (b) provide an opportunity for participants to discuss these standards and to assess their feasibility and implementation in national census practices, and (c) through national reports prepared for these workshops, produce a list of the most pressing issues that national authorities are facing in preparing and conducting population and housing censuses. This list, in turn, will allow UNSD the planning of future inter-regional, regional and sub-regional activities as part of the implementation of the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses. Contact: Srdjan Mrkic, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4940 Regional Workshop on Use of Administrative Data in Economic Statistics United Nations Statistics Division, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation jointly organize a regional workshop for Commonwealth of Independent States countries on use of administrative data in economic statistics. The workshop participants will include country representatives from national statistical offices and governmental agencies maintaining administrative records of statistical significance, as well as experts from several countries with good experience in this area and UNSD resource persons. The focus of the workshop will be on a number of practical issues such as use of administrative records for updating statistical business registers and compilation of basic economic statistics, creating effective inter-agency cooperation and ensuring necessary legal preconditions for national statistical offices access to such records. For information please refer to: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/economic_stat/moscow_workshop/Adm_data_in_econ_stat_ws_october_2006.htm Contact: Vladimir Markhonko, Chief of Trade Statistics Branch, Statistics Division. E-mail address: markhonko@un.org; telephone: +1 212 963 5252
17Th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific The Seventeenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific will be organized by the Statistics Division in Bangkok at the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), from 18 to 22 September 2006. This conference, convened every three years, provides a regional forum where approximately 200 participants (mostly heads of Mapping Agencies and Land Surveys and experts from Asia and the Pacific and other regions, as well as representatives from International and Specialized Organizations) meet to address the common needs, problems and experiences in the field of surveying and mapping, cartography, remote sensing, land and geographical information systems, including spatial data infrastructure institutional, economic and capacity building issues. For information please refer to our UNGEGN website at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/ Contact: Amor Laaribi, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 3042 UNGEGN Toponymy Training Course The course will focus on the basics and methods of work with geographical names, including gathering names information in the field, data processing in the office and through a national names authority, creation and population of a database for the records and dissemination of the information through maps, gazetteers, etc . Contact: Amor Laaribi, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 3042 Final Steering Committee Meeting and Workshop on Strategic Planning of Statistical Activities The Final Steering Committee Meeting and Workshop on Strategic Planning of Statistical Activities is organised in line with the project on Strengthening Statistical Capacity-Building in Support of the Millennium Development Goals in the region of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The main purpose of the steering committee meeting, which will be the last under this project, is to review the project’s final products and, in collaboration with UNSD, ECOWAS Secretariat and UNECA, to chart a way to institutionalize the activities started under the project. This will ensure that there is continuity in the advancement of statistics in the ECOWAS region after the project phases out at the end of 2006. The workshop will focus on practical approaches managers can use to balance day to day responsibilities with long term objectives; and practical ways on how a major statistical project can be used to further the long term goals of the national statistical system as a whole. The workshop will be attended by more than 40 participants from 16 African countries, the ECOWAS Secretariat and UNECA. Contact: Yacob Zewoldi, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 0445 UNSD, in collaboration with ECOWAS, executed a project entitled “Strengthening Statistical Capacity-building in Support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Region of the Economic Community of West African States”, which main objective was to strengthen the national statistical systems in the 15 countries of the ECOWAS region in support of the MDGs as well as in statistical fields such as energy and environment statistics. As part of the follow-up to the project, ECOWAS is organizing an Expert Group Meeting on Energy and Environment Statistics in collaboration with UNSD to be held in Abuja in August. The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss and finalize strategic frameworks for strengthening capacity in the development and institutionalization of energy and environment statistics in the ECOWAS region. Experts from national statistical offices and energy/environment ministries/agencies in the ECOWAS region will participate in the meeting. The strategic frameworks for energy and environment statistics include the objectives, actions and outputs of long-term programmes of energy and environment statistics and demonstrate the transition from a project to established programmes, hence implying sustainability of the UNSD/ECOWAS project. The outputs of the meeting will be presented for approval to the ECOWAS Steering Committee meeting to be held on 28 August 2006. For information please refer to: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environment/ecowas.htm Contact: Karoly Kovacs +1 212 963 4748 or Reena Shah +1 212 963 4586
The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the revised United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, specifically to (1) present in details the new and revised international standards related to conducting a population and housing census; (2) critically review the process of selection of census topics and relevant questions for participating countries planning their censuses and for producing internationally required outputs, and (3) to discuss national preparations to conduct a census as per United Nations recommendations. The meeting will also address ways of instituting and fostering regional cooperation in ASEAN countries in conducting population and housing censuses. Contact: Srdjan Mrkic, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4940
The joint UNSD/UNWTO workshop on tourism statistics is seen as a major event in the context of a worldwide consultation on revision of Recommendations on Tourism Statistics approved by the 27th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in 1993 and issued jointly by the UN and the UNWTO in 1994. The revised Recommendations will be submitted to the 39th session of the Commission (March 2008) for approval. Representatives from national tourism organizations, national statistical offices and international/regional organizations will be invited and asked to provide their assessment of the relevance of the 1993 Recommendations, indicate areas where revision is needed and to make concrete proposals regarding revision of specific recommendations. The main tasks of the workshop include: (i) to review current country practices in compilation of the basic variables of tourism statistics and their relevance to current user needs; (ii) to review the existing 1993 Recommendations in the context the amendments incorporated in Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework to ensure that the improved basic tourism statistics better serve the needs of economic policy makers in governments, of industry managers, of the business community and, at the same time, provide a solid foundation for the national accounts in general and for the compilation of the Tourism Satellite Account; (iii) to create a network of tourism statisticians working in different institutional environments in order to foster the exchange of country experiences and the formulation of good practices in the compilation of such statistics; and (iv) to advise on institutional arrangements between different national agencies active in tourism statistics. For information please refer to: Contact: Vladimir Markhonko, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 5252 First Steering Committee Meeting for the Southern African Development The meeting, organized by DESA/Statistics Division and hosted by Statistics South Africa, will launch the new project on Strengthening Statistical Capacity in support of progress towards the internationally agreed development goals in the Southern African Development Community region (SADC). The meeting will bring together the Steering Committee, consisting of the heads of SADC national statistical offices, SADC Secretariat, UNECA and UNSD and all other development partners with current or planned activities in the region. The meeting will discuss and assess needs and priorities for statistical capacity building in the SADC region, review the proposal by the various partners and review and agree on the overall implementation plan for the project as developed and proposed by UNSD. For information please refer to: Contact: Ms.Fabia Yazaki, Statistics Division, + 212 963-4823 Expert Group Meeting on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses In implementing the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses, the United Nations Statistics Division is organizing the 2006 Expert Group Meeting on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses in New York, from 10-14 July 2006. This meeting will bring together over 45 experts from all regions with one goal: to review and adopt the revised set of international standards for population and housing censuses as presented in the draft Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2. This proposed revision on the major international standards and guidelines is a result of broad consultations and contributions from over 100 national experts through UNSD developed and maintained mechanisms and is also taking into consideration regional guidelines, where they were available. The proposed changes refer to introducing 40 recommended census tabulations that each country or area would be called to generate at least once in the period 2005-2014 at the smallest geographical level; new definition and concept of "usual residence"; several new core topics, such as those related to mortality and the availability of information and communication technology devices in the household; it also presents new approaches to census-taking and the importance of Geographical Information Systems for collecting and disseminating census results." Contact: Srdjan Mrkic, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4940 JUNE 2006 Technical Subgroup on Classifications The Technical Subgroup (TSG) of the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications has been working on the revision of the activity and product classifications, namely the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) and the Central Product Classification (CPC). The structures of the revised classifications have been recently approved by the UN Statistical Commission. For more information on the work of the TSG, as well as previous meetings, please refer to the UN Classifications Website at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/class/intercop/techsubgroup Contact: Ralf Becker, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4600 1st Meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental - Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) The meeting, organized by the UN Statistics Division (UNSD), is the first meeting of UNCEEA since its establishment by the Statistical Commission in November 2005. The meeting will review the work programme and decide on future work in the following areas: (a) coordination of activities in environmental accounting and related statistics; (b) implementation and promotion of environmental accounts; (c) advance the research agenda in order to elevate integrated environmental and economic accounting to a level of international statistical standard; and (d) harmonization of data-collection activities with environmental-economic accounting concepts and definitions. Contact: Alessandra Alfieri, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4590 10th Meeting of the London Group on Environmental Accounting The meeting, hosted by UNSD, gathers experts in environmental accounting from countries and international organizations. It will discuss its governance structure, review the work of its subgroups (on mineral and energy resource accounting, water accounting and policy uses of environmental accounting); and advance the research agenda in environmental accounting. The meeting will also provide a forum for exchanging information on country practices in the implementation of the accounts. Contact: Alessandra Alfieri, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4590 Workshop on the Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics Joint UNSD/CEMAC regional workshop in central Africa on the Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS). Customs officers and statisticians of the National Statistical Offices came together to solve problems in producing trade data. For information please refer to: Expert Group Meeting on Housing Censuses The meeting will critically review the housing section of the draft United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2. The outcome of the meeting will be reported to the Expert Group Meeting on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses, New York, 10 – 14 July 2006, and will provide a basis for finalizing the global census recommendations Contact: Yacob Zewoldi, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 0445 MAY 2006 User-Producer Conference: Water Accounting for Integrated Water Resource Management The conference, organized by the UN Statistics Division (UNSD) and hosted by Statistics Netherlands, aims at raising awareness of water accounting as the hydrological-economic information system to support Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). It seeks to develop a dialogue between users and producers of water information by identifying the information needs for policy making and how the water accounting framework meets these needs. The objectives of the conference are: (a) to launch the handbook on Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Water Resources which has been prepared by UNSD in collaboration with the London Group on Environmental Accounting; (b) to promote its implementation in the users’ community; and (c) to establish a strategic group, under the auspices of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental - Economic Accounting (UNCEEA), of countries, international organizations and non-governmental organizations responsible for promoting and advancing the implementation of water accounting in countries as well as in the international community. For more information please refer to http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/ceea/upcWater.asp Contact: Alessandra Alfieri, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4590 Workshop on Energy and Environment Statistics for the Gulf Council Countries The workshop is organized and hosted by The Planning Council of Qatar. Experts from the statistical offices and other governmental agencies of the GCC countries are to attend the meeting. The workshop is to overview the activities of the United Nations Statistics Division with special emphasis on energy and environment statistics and support to build and increase capacities to improve energy and environment statistics and indicators. Also it is to discuss environment statistics and environmental impact assessment, frameworks, concepts and definitions, significance of legal and institutional frameworks and overview the annual questionnaires. Furthermore, it is to provide a forum for exchanges of information on the status of the national energy and environment statistics and to support establishing a network of energy and environment statisticians and other experts in the GCC countries. Contact: Karoly Kovacs, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 4748 APRIL 2006 23 Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical The key items on the agenda are a review of the activities undertaken by the UNGEGN working groups in view of the essential contribution the Group of Experts continues to provide to Member States in the geographical information field and related cartographic areas, an evaluation of the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Eighth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, a review of toponymic guidelines for map editors and other editors, and a discussion of recommendations to facilitate and prepare the work of the Ninth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names.It is expected that up to 200 country delegates and observers will participate at the level of Heads of National Geographical Names Authorities and International Organizations. For more information on please refer to http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/ungegn.htm Contact Amor Laaribi, Statistics Division, +1 212 963 3042 MARCH 2006 37th Session of the Statistical Commission The key item on the agenda is a programme review on industrial statistics prepared by Japan. Following its 4-year work programme the Commission will also discuss reports on distributive trade statistics, integrated economic statistics, national accounts, classifications, the international comparison programme, environmental accounting, energy statistics and social statistics; Furthermore the Commission will consider a set of principles governing international statistical activities, which has been elaborated in a three-year process by the international agencies and for which now over 20 agencies have expressed their professional commitment. Finally, an analytical report on the ability of countries to produce indicators, which was prepared by UNSD with the support of a "Friends of the Chair Expert Group" will be discussed. In addition to the 24 members, it is expected that up to 50 countries will participate as observers at the level of Heads of National Statistical Offices. For more information please refer to the Statistical Commission website at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/sc2006.htm Contact: Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Statistics Division, + 1 212/963-4849 Working Session on Emerging Trends and Best Practices in Data Dissemination The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Gapminder Foundation will hold a working session to discuss the emerging trends in data dissemination policies and practices, approaches. The working session will discuss approaches in promoting greater access to statistical information, and the means to enhance utilization and understanding of statistical data. The meeting will coincide with the launch of UNSD’s project on “Statistics as a Public Good”, which aims to promote public access to UN data resources and to establish best practices in the dissemination of official statistics. Contact: Mr. Jacob Assa, Statistics Division, +1 212/963-2561 FEBRUARY 2006 First Meeting of the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics Following the decision of the Bureau of the Statistical Commission, Statistics Norway invited countries and organizations to participate at the first meeting of the newly established city group on energy statistics, the Oslo Group, to be held on 6 – 8 February 2006 in Oslo, Norway. The Oslo Group is designed to be a forum for the countries to discuss methodological issues, learn from good practices and to contribute to the methodological development of energy statistics. In a longer perspective, an objective will also be to harmonise energy statistics among countries, and thereby support the improvement of international energy statistics. As content and success of the work of the city group depend on the contributions from the countries, countries are encouraged to consider which area of energy statistics they are to contribute in the coming years of work ahead of Oslo Group. For details please contact Karoly Kovacs, Chief, Energy Statistics Section, kovacs@un.org or Ann Christin Boeng, Statistics Norway, ann.christin.boeng@ssb.no Fourth meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts The purpose of the meeting is to conclude discussions of the advisory expert group on National Accounts (AEG) in the framework of the updating of the 1993 System of National Accounts (1993 SNA) and make recommendations on issues including Employer pension schemes, Non-performing loans, Financial services, Leases and licenses, Classification and terminology of non-financial assets, Government-owned assets, Public/private/government sector delineation, etc. For more information, please refer to the website at: |