United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Statistics Division
10-13 November 2007, Teheran, IranList of Documents
DOCUMENTATION FOR THE MEETING FILE SIZE AC.141/1 Agenda 175 KB AC.141/2 List of documents ASP - KB AC.141/3 List of participants 13 KB PAPERS/PRESENTATIONS FOR THE MEETING FILE SIZE AC.141/5 Manufacturing Statistics - Maintaining Comparability in the Changing World PPT 557 KB AC.141/6 International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics PPT 597 KB AC.141/7 Major Changes in the 1993 SNA Rev.1 that Impact GDP PPT 48 KB AC.141/8 Treatment of Illegal Activities PPT 118 KB AC.141/9 Ancillary Units in the 1993 SNA Rev.1 PPT 121 KB AC.141/10 Research and Development PPT 142 KB AC.141/11 Mineral Exploration and Evaluation PPT 75 KB AC.141/12 Units in the 1993 SNA PPT 160 KB AC.141/13 Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured PPT 95 KB AC.141/14 Public/Private Sector Delineation and Government Transactions with Public Corporations PPT 117 KB AC.141/15 Taxes, Collectible Taxes and Tax Credits PPT 93 KB AC.141/16 Originals and Copies PPT 126 KB AC.141/17 Informal Sector - In the SNA Framework PPT 112 KB AC.141/18 Informal Sector - Statistical Concepts PPT 460 KB AC.141/19 Unified Data Collection Strategy for the Informal Sector PPT 268 KB AC.141/20 Generic Questionnaire for Survey on Household Unincorporated Enterprises & the Informal Sector 155 KB AC.141/21 Generic Questionnaire for Phase 1 of "1-2 Survey" under the Interregional Cooperation on Measurement of the Informal Sector and Informal Employment 47 KB AC.141/22 Iran - A General Look on the Non-observed Economy PPT 159 KB AC.141/23 Iran - Country Presentation PPT 204 KB AC.141/24 Kyrgyzstan - Country Presentation PPT 221 KB AC.141/25 Pakistan - Statistical System PPT 428 KB AC.141/26 Pakistan - Country Presentation on Small Household Manufacturing Industries Survey 2006-2007 PPT 1039 KB AC.141/27 Turkey - Statistical System PPT 62 KB AC.141/28 Turkey - Country Presentation on Manufacturing Statistics in Turkey PPT 11 KB AC.141/29 Summary of Country Submissions on Manufacturing Statistics 70 KB