System of National Accounts (SNA): Integrated Transaction Accounts
Courses for the National Accounts
6 weeks
Material content
Previously called: Integrated Economic Statistics to support 2008 SNA implementation Accounts. 1. A Review of Economic Censuses and their Role in National Economic Statistics 2. Fundamental Principles of Questionnaire Design- Economic Census / Surveys 3. Role of the Statistical Business Registers 4. Institutional Sector Accounts 5. Production Account and Generation of Income Account 6. Primary Income- its distribution and Use 7. Basic principles for supply and use tables 8. Structure of the United Kingdom Economic Statistics Infrastructure 9. Price and Volume Measures: Constant Price calculations 10. Benchmarking
Provide understanding of how to: 1. Rationalize data sources for economic statistics and understand the inter-linkages between the various data collections and compilations. 2. Plan for effective economic census questionnaires and tabulation plans. 3. Plan for the use of economic census results for other economic data collections and in the compilation of national accounts.
Skills acquired
Be able to: 1. Identify the data flows and additional data needs for implementing the recommendations of the 2008 SNA and core economic statistics as identified in the UNESCAP regional program for economic statistics. 2. Build effective economic census instruments and analytical plan.