National Accounts Statistics

Courses for the National Accounts




Basic to intermediate




Three weeks - once or twice a year.

Material content

1) Concepts and definitions, mainly output, intermediate consumption, value added, valuation, and statistical treatment of particular industries 2) GDP by production and by expenditure 3) Deflators and constant price variables 4) Supply and use tables 5) Inventory valuation 6) Consumption of fixed capital 7) Non-observed economy 8) Global supply chains and the digital economy

Target audience

Whole world: Compilers of national accounts statistics employed by agencies responsible for official national accounts data. Participants should have a degree in economics or statistics, or equivalent experience.


Provide knowledge in: 1) The main concepts and definitions of the 2008 SNA. 2) The compilation of GDP using the three different approaches. 3) Price and volume measures. 4) Importance of providing high-quality NA data to policy makers and business decision-makers.

Skills acquired

For compilers: How to construct and improve compilation system for the national accounts including constant price calculations and a supply and use table.


  • English

Resource link(s)

Associated topic(s)