Facilitate: 1) National accounts compilation consistent with international recommendations, namely the SNA; and 2) Data storage for the national accounts in a time series format.


1) Organization and aggregation of data and Excel workbooks according to logic of 2008 SNA by using standard national accounts classifications; 2) Loading and storage of data according to same logic; 3) Ensuring perfect consistency between data storage and data compilation; 4) Facilitation of national accounts compilation by automatic calculation of sums and averages; 5) Production of relevant output tables, e.g., of GDP by activity.


Multiple user environment in a local area network and on stand-alone computers. Access can be regulated by administrator.

Includes features to facilitate data exchange

Yes, it uses a database as a means of exchange with other data compilers and users. Output tables can also be produced in Excel.

Compilation software

Excel The system is designed as an Add-In to Excel for which Visual Basic for Applications has been used. It consists of code files and Excel workbooks. Integration and full consistency with the database are ensured.

Organization of links between Excel workbooks

To ensure consistency between the Excel workbooks, NADABAS uses a database to link them. User must specify links between the database and Excel workbooks.

User interface in Excel included

NADABAS is managed and used via a ribbon tab in Excel that is displayed when NADABAS is installed as an Add-in and active.

Storage software

A database, namely Access or SQL Server Express.

Principles for data storage

Data stored in database tables with several dimensions. Each dimension corresponds to a classification, for example, transactions, industries, and products.

Storage and compilation fully integrated

Easy upload/ download between the database and Excel workbooks through unique identifiers specified through classification systems. NADABAS is organized such that there are no data inconsistencies between the different components of the system.

Includes feature to trace adjustments

Yes, on the ribbon under “debug”, “trace” appears, where the user can see the previous entries in the column called “old”.


1) User to specify their own classification systems, which should follow the logic of 2008 SNA; 2) User to determine structure of all tables, e.g., the SUT; 3) Any existing Excel workbooks that the user might have can often be adapted to NADABAS; 4) User to determine whether to include a SUT at current or constant prices, and which accounts in the IEAT to include.

Classifications shown as Excel header and stub



1) Aggregations automated through classification structures, with data in lower levels automatically aggregated into higher levels without room for errors, provided classifications correctly specified; 2) Some calculations of source data automated, namely averages and sums; and 3) Uploads and downloads between storage and compilation components automated; 4) Possibility to implement an automatic RAS procedure to finalize SUT balancing and to perform a Denton calculation to avoid the step-problem in QNA.


NADABAS: National Accounts Database System – The full user manual.


In the long term, support for the toolkit will be provided by STATAFRIC. In the interim period, support is provided by Statistics Sweden, Statistics Norway, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, and an informal group of consultants.

Training trainers

A first workshop had been planned for June 2020 in Tunis but was postponed.

Countries using the toolkit

Africa installed: Botswana, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa Africa in the process of installation: Ghana, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED Pacific: Marshall Islands and Palau Americas: Belize (uses predecessor of NADABAS, called SNAPC)

Time normally required for instalation



NADABAS is an open source software.


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