16 to 18 October 2023, Paris, France


List of Documents for the Meeting

Download all available papers and presentations (as of 18 October 2023)
Agenda PDF

AEG Meeting

Monday, 16 October 2023
  1. Report on the progress with the SNA update   PDF
  2. Outcome of the global consultation on Chapter 2 PDF PDF
  3. Outcome of the global consultation on the consolidated list of changes PDF PDF
  4. Approval for global consultation of draft chapters
     (a) Chapter 5 Residence, institutional units and sectors PDF PDF
     (b) Chapter 22 Digitalization PDF PDF
     (c) Chapter 25 Selected issues in financial instruments PDF PDF
     (d) Chapter 26 Islamic Finance PDF PDF
     (e) Chapter 38 Thematic and extended accounts PDF PDF
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
  4. Approval for global consultation of chapters (continued)
     (f) Chapter 34 Measuring well-being PDF PDF
  5. Issues note - Households' production of electricity and heat PDF PDF
  6. Implementation of 2025 SNA
     (a) Overall approach and outreach PDF
     (b) Compilation of handbooks PDF PDF
     (c) Approval process and branding for manuals, compilation guides and handbooks PDF PDF
  7. Progress with developing compilation guidelines on crypto assets PDF PDF
  8. Glossary of Macroeconomic Statistics
     (a) Outcome of the consultation on the glossary by the AEG/BOPCOM PDF
     (b) Outstanding issues on the terms and definitions PDF
     (c) Issues Note - Debits and credits PDF PDF
  9. Discussion note - Negative equity PDF PDF
Wednesday , 18 October 2023
  10. Outcome of the AEG and BOPCOM consultation on Emission permits PDF
  11. Reports on the progress of the task teams working on implementation guidance
     (a) Data as an asset PDF
     (b) Marketing assets PDF PDF
     (c) Natural capital PDF
  12. Note on resolution of outstanding issues PDF PDF
  13. Progress with drafting an issues note on the definition of financial instruments in the endorsed guidance note WS.12 Environmental classifications PDF
  14. The research agenda for the post 2025 SNA PDF PDF
  15. Update on the implementation of ISIC and CPC PDF
  16. Update on the work of DGI-3 PDF
  17. Framework for maintaining and updating international economic and environmental accounting systems and manuals PDF PDF