12 - 14 July, 2021, Remote Meeting
List of Documents for the Meeting
Download all available papers and presentations (as of 12 July 2021)
PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS FOR THE MEETING PAPER PRES. Reference Documents for the Meeting RM1. Terms of Reference of the ISWGNA RM2. Report of the ISWGNA to the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 52nd Session RM3. Supplement to the Report of the ISWGNA to the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 52nd Session RM4. Decisions on National Accounts of the United Nations Statistics Commission at its 52nd Session RM5. Conclusions - 15th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts Link 1. Adoption of agenda and working methods 2. Progress report and final list of guidance notes 2.1. Progress report on update of 2008 SNA 2.2. Proposed final list of guidance notes 3. SNA update programme 3.1. Assessments and experimental estimation (AEE) and Outreach to regions and countries components - Overview of progress of work and next steps 3.2. Budget and funding requirements - Overview of progress of work and next steps 4. Digitalization 4.1. Task team on Digitalization - Overview of progress of work and next steps 4.2. Outcomes of the 5th meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy 4.3. Free products in the core SNA and in satellite accounts Cover_Note Core_GN Satellite_GN 5. Globalization 5.1. Task team on Globalization - Overview of progress of work and next steps 5.2. Valuation of Imports and Exports of Goods: First Stage Survey Results 5.3. D.5 Eliminating the Imputations for an Entity Owned or controlled by general government for fiscal purposes. PDF Outcomes 6. Communication 6.1. Task team on Communication - Overview of progress of work and next steps 6.2. An Assessment Framework to Measure Alignment with International Statistical Standards 6.3. Terminology and Branding of the International Macroeconomic Statistical Standards 6.4. Taxonomy for Communicating Economic Statistics, Products and Product Updates 7. Well-being and Sustainability 7.1. Task Team on Well-being and Sustainability: Status of guidance and next steps 7.2. Proposed SNA Guidance on Valuation and Coordination with UNCEEA 8. Financial and payments systems 8.1. Task team on Financial and payments systems - short overview of progress of work 8.2. Asymmetric Treatment of Retained Earnings PDF Outcomes 8.3. Capturing Non-Bank Financial Intermediation in the SNA and ESS PDF Outcomes 8.4. Financial Derivatives by Type PDF Outcomes 8.5. Subscription Rights PDF Outcomes 9. Wrap-up of the meeting