27 - 29 November 2018, Luxembourg


List of Documents for the Meeting

Annotated Agenda PDF
Conclusions PDF
Reference Documents for the Meeting
RM1. Terms of Reference of the ISWGNA PDF
RM2. Report of the ISWGNA to the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 49th Session PDF
RM3. Supplement to the Report of the ISWGNA to the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 49th Session PDF
RM4. Decisions on National Accounts of the United Nations Statistics Commission at its 49th Session PDF
RM5. Update Procedure for the System of National Accounts Link
RM6. Guidelines for monitoring the 2008 SNA implementation PDF
RM7. System of National Accounts: Developments since 2008 PDF
1. Report of the ISWGNA Task Force on SNA Research Agenda PDF PPTX
2. Globalization PPTX
  2.a. Economic ownership and intellectual property products PDF
    2.a.1 Report of the Eurostat/OECD Task Force (Eurostat) PPTX
    2.a.2. Report of the CSSP Reflection Group (OECD) PDF
    2.a.3. CRIW-paper by Mark de Haan and Jo Haynes PDF PPTX
    2.a.4. CRIW-paper by Brent Moulton and Peter van de Ven PDF
  2.b. Globalization-related granularity in the institutional sector accounts (ECB) PDF
  2.c. Data exchange, sharing and Large Complex Units (LCU) network - Report of the ECE Task Force on data exchange and sharing (UNECE) PDF PPTX
  2.d. Report of the BOPCOM Taskforce on SPEs (IMF)
  2.e. GVC satellite account - Report of the UN Expert Group on international trade and economic globalization statistics (UNSD) PDF
  2.f. Extended Supply and Use Table and Trade in Value Added - Report by OECD (OECD) PDF
  2.g. BOP priority components for GVCs - Report of the BOPCOM (IMF)
3. Digital economy
  3.a. A proposal for a satellite framework on the digital economy (Erich Strassner) PDF PPTX
    A proposed framework for Digital Supply-Use Tables PDF
  3.b. Price and Volume Measures for Service Activities (Eurostat) PDF PPTX
  3.c. The role of data and the SNA asset boundary (OECD) PDF PDF PDF PPTX PPTX
  3.d. Free assets and free services (OECD/Eurostat) PPTX
  3.e. Cryptocurrencies (IMF/OECD) PDF PDF PPTX
  3.f. Digital trade - Report of the Inter Agency Taskforce on International Trade (OECD) PDF PDF
4. Economic well-being and sustainability
  4.a. Treatment of in-house training (UNECE) PDF PPTX
  4.b. Unpaid household activities and statistical information system for capturing well-being and sustainability (OECD) PDF PDF PPTX
  4.c. Statistical information system for capturing well-being and sustainability (OECD) PDF PPTX
  4.c.1. Measuring economic welfare: A practical agenda for the present and the future (OECD) PDF
  4.d. Developments in environmental accounts (UNSD/Eurostat) PPTX
  4.e. National accounts and the SDGs (UNSD) PPTX
  4.f. Distributional aspects (OECD and Eurostat) PDF
  4.g. Informal economy (IMF) PDF
5. SNA and BOP cross cutting issues
  5.a. SNA and BOP harmonization (UNECLAC) PDF
    Draft guide on the Harmonization between Balance of Payments and National Accounts (Spanish) PDF PPTX
  5.b. Cash collateral (IMF/CBS Netherlands) PDF PPTX
6. Financial services
  6.a. Islamic finance (UNSD) PDF PPTX
  6.b. Recording of Central Bank Swap Arrangements in Macroeconomic Statistics (UNSD) PDF
    6.b.i. Summary of outcome of AEG consultation the Recording of Central Bank Swap Arrangements in Macroeconomic Statistics PDF
    6.b.ii. Recording of Central Bank Swap Arrangements in Macroeconomic Statistics PDF
  6.c. Household Retirement Resources and pensions supplementary table (OECD/IMF/Eurostat) PDF
7. Task force on SNA capacity building
  7.a. Review of the work programme and its progress (UNSD) PDF PPTX
8. Other issues
  8.i. Statistical units
    a. Report of the ISWGNA TF on statistical units (OECD)
  8.ii. Big data PPTX
    a. Review of the Task Teams related to economic statistics (UNSD)
  8.iii. Manuals, handbooks and satellite accounts
    a. Satellite accounts overview (James Tebrake) PPTX
    b. Handbook on Backcasting PDF