8th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts
28-31 May, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
List of Documents
DOCUMENTS DOCUMENTATION FOR THE SEMINAR FILE SIZE 1 Annotated Agenda 28 KB 1A Agenda - Meeting on scaling up the coordination and resources for the implement of the SNA 8 KB 1B Agenda - 8th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts 9 KB 2 List of documents ASP 5 Conclusions 24 KB Meeting on scaling up the coordination and resources for the implement of the SNA DOCUMENT PRESENTATION AGENDA ITEM 1 Introduction 2 Coordination of the implementation programme of the SNA 2.1 Developing a programme for the implementation of the SNA and supporting statistics PPT 2.2 County practices PPT 2.2A Brazil PPT 2.2B Jamaica PPT 2.2C Colombia PPT 2.2D Uruguay PPT 2.3 Scaling up the global initiative on the implementation of the System of National Accounts and supporting statistics PPT 3 Selected issues on SNA implementation 8th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts DOCUMENT PRESENTATION AGENDA ITEM 1 Introduction 2 Financial Services Indirectly Measured PPT 3 Institutional sub-sectors and the delineation of head offices, holding companies and special purpose entities (SPEs) PPT 4 Global Production (Factoryless Goods Producers) PPT 5 Pension entitlements PPT 6 Stability fees PPT 7 Land and other non-financial assets PPT 8 The treatment of freight and insurance in the 2008 SNA 9 SDMX initiative PPT 10 Compilation of manuals and handbooks 11 Research and development 12 Sectoral accounts and balance sheets PPT 13 Eurostat/OECD Expert Group on Disparities in National Accounts PPT 14 Trade in Value Added PPT