Table 5. Purchasing power parities for final expenditure on GDP at international prices in national currency per US dollar, 1985

Part II

Part I
Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Australia, Canada
Part III
Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tunisia, U.R.Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe


  Category Japan New Zealand United States Hungary Poland Yugoslavia Bangladesh Hong Kong India Iran Korea Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Benin Botswana Cameroon Congo
1 Final national consumption 212.9 1.301 1.00 17.02 73.26 103.2 5.933 4.110 4.071 61.55 428.1 3.731 5.617 6.350 7.252 87.50 0.4797 129.1 160.8
2   Food, beverages, tobacco 293.8 1.317 1.00 21.01 111.28 125.9 8.925 4.718 5.817 90.59 629.6 5.046 7.376 9.918 9.483 137.51 0.7643 197.7 277.6
3     Food 296.9 1.198 1.00 20.51 106.63 129.3 8.485 4.445 5.415 83.24 625.6 4.690 7.009 8.638 8.014 171.56 1.0199 259.5 313.6
4       Bread and cereals 260.1 1.185 1.00 11.45 50.61 76.8 6.910 3.137 4.805 63.21 470.9 3.891 5.244 6.433 4.601 213.42 1.0402 396.6 477.5
5       Meat 464.8 1.246 1.00 25.40 98.72 145.4 8.727 5.951 5.779 144.65 984.3 4.973 10.962 7.456 12.945 435.97 1.5397 610.7 749.2
6       Fish 277.1 1.482 1.00 22.05 53.52 97.2 6.960 4.021 2.637 129.25 602.6 2.275 4.443 5.268 6.259 147.63 0.8404 172.0 138.8
7       Milk, cheese and eggs 299.0 1.069 1.00 15.92 68.25 130.9 13.945 5.112 6.438 102.41 945.4 7.210 11.773 12.741 15.193 132.59 0.7123 170.4 236.4
8       Oils and fats 334.3 0.810 1.00 17.28 114.04 155.6 28.015 8.357 14.009 114.93 1279.0 10.727 17.414 22.827 23.204 138.14 0.7310 272.4 283.9
9       Fruits, vegetables, potatoes 302.4 1.359 1.00 19.75 123.54 134.8 6.561 4.568 4.463 79.21 547.6 4.365 9.326 9.076 7.001 126.43 0.9512 185.1 348.8
10       Other food 264.4 1.150 1.00 30.06 181.36 154.1 12.500 5.543 6.363 60.10 729.7 6.427 8.940 12.046 17.815 126.75 0.6127 356.3 344.1
11     Beverages 325.7 2.208 1.00 25.01 135.87 106.5 21.922 6.106 10.650 98.39 656.0 7.520 9.373 19.553 20.360 32.96 0.1862 54.7 109.3
12       Non-alcoholic beverages 256.2 1.583 1.00 17.82 110.92 159.6 10.452 4.680 6.579 72.05 507.3 5.506 7.596 9.010 11.461 99.26 0.4396 97.9 176.8
13       Alcoholic beverages 362.6 2.365 1.00 26.47 139.34 96.4 30.009 6.747 12.309 0.00 734.4 0.000 9.878 22.655 27.578 29.14 0.1703 50.0 99.4
14     Tobacco 234.1 1.458 1.00 17.80 80.86 114.0 9.531 5.720 8.161 222.66 583.9 6.486 8.062 19.431 18.333 61.87 0.3267 128.5 176.5
15   Clothing and footwear 238.0 1.612 1.00 27.47 106.59 149.7 7.181 4.623 6.081 72.54 453.0 3.310 6.391 5.826 13.243 70.03 0.3100 92.3 133.3
16     Clothing 242.6 1.595 1.00 27.53 111.61 151.0 7.157 4.770 6.099 72.41 448.8 3.115 7.068 5.550 13.517 72.30 0.3005 109.0 144.9
17     Footwear 207.1 1.676 1.00 26.88 86.07 142.1 7.756 3.737 6.330 70.21 456.1 5.593 4.459 7.048 9.586 60.84 0.3514 64.5 85.2
18   Gross rents, fuel and power 157.5 0.974 1.00 6.01 19.69 51.4 4.796 6.445 2.453 51.72 419.5 4.027 7.443 6.670 5.778 33.07 0.2558 78.8 91.4
19     Gross rents 133.3 1.024 1.00 4.56 20.28 24.4 4.219 6.197 1.857 57.45 359.2 5.214 8.364 8.179 5.009 24.19 0.1837 59.7 63.0
20     Fuel and power 318.7 0.714 1.00 12.23 22.72 188.1 7.964 6.664 6.041 30.13 722.6 3.827 7.868 8.848 9.781 116.57 0.8194 258.1 263.9
21   Household equipment and operation 246.4 1.708 1.00 24.78 104.25 136.7 8.718 4.454 5.932 95.50 419.9 6.165 7.285 7.090 9.328 128.93 0.6199 219.3 259.8
22     Furniture 487.1 2.263 1.00 30.80 113.01 140.9 11.222 5.904 6.477 120.35 761.2 7.027 11.713 5.644 9.064 145.94 1.0130 248.1 310.1
23     Household textiles 204.0 1.240 1.00 27.55 88.17 126.9 11.388 3.378 0.000 72.41 181.4 3.343 12.632 5.974 7.910 75.73 0.5086 99.4 146.3
24     Appliances 209.8 1.387 1.00 20.67 126.11 160.1 4.755 3.797 9.890 109.19 547.0 7.666 10.768 16.246 12.896 97.46 0.4607 176.2 242.9
25     Other household goods and services 238.6 1.669 1.00 21.83 93.00 120.2 9.280 4.767 5.241 88.50 448.7 5.699 5.737 7.323 10.256 153.89 0.5051 226.2 245.8
26   Medical care 106.8 0.974 1.00 3.80 29.95 30.7 3.960 2.718 1.873 30.11 263.8 0.696 3.721 1.780 3.479 67.97 0.4501 106.4 122.3
27   Transport and communication 279.6 2.079 1.00 32.39 147.58 192.3 4.212 5.575 5.919 55.09 574.9 5.532 16.996 9.113 10.142 187.67 1.0825 204.0 223.6
28     Transport equipment 187.3 2.947 1.00 35.18 258.29 192.5 41.334 8.888 8.101 590.99 730.5 18.199 27.593 27.666 21.527 177.96 1.0646 203.4 444.9
29     Operation of equipment 598.0 3.190 1.00 64.91 221.81 402.4 10.519 19.623 19.904 132.67 1185.4 8.648 25.398 18.977 28.579 275.30 1.6703 333.6 518.6
30     Purchased transport services 164.7 0.994 1.00 8.53 46.60 43.5 1.608 2.004 2.048 14.16 243.6 1.140 6.273 3.599 3.631 94.66 0.3897 92.7 84.5
31     Communication 153.8 0.631 1.00 17.35 29.52 35.5 9.025 2.687 4.243 39.77 251.8 3.562 6.237 2.935 9.234 130.57 0.6075 134.8 225.0
32   Recreation, education 229.3 0.953 1.00 17.17 58.22 94.8 2.994 4.435 3.326 85.52 474.1 5.077 2.882 3.731 5.927 49.26 0.3815 82.3 62.6
33     Equipment for recreation 221.7 2.447 1.00 37.76 223.72 292.8 20.356 5.377 12.868 219.12 498.5 11.445 14.315 22.306 13.789 47.74 0.3805 80.4 104.0
34     Recreational, cultural, etc., services 219.0 1.032 1.00 25.24 42.61 69.7 3.904 3.227 3.657 49.09 473.5 5.835 2.795 3.123 10.722 75.62 0.6750 150.8 166.1
35     Books, newspapers, magazines 285.5 1.495 1.00 19.51 64.08 124.4 8.789 8.135 6.333 100.64 765.4 10.836 8.979 18.845 14.674 187.67 0.6345 207.0 143.5
36     Education 233.7 0.629 1.00 10.07 32.05 58.4 2.048 5.620 2.619 71.01 430.1 1.495 2.384 2.313 3.963 42.23 0.2995 69.1 52.2
37   Miscellaneous goods and services 248.3 1.606 1.00 20.01 75.08 93.9 3.735 3.559 4.569 40.14 308.9 2.367 4.042 5.169 6.446 148.63 0.7827 170.6 243.0
38     Restaurants, cafes, etc. 374.8 1.580 1.00 22.76 75.15 90.2 5.467 8.756 8.777 69.88 625.1 3.650 9.349 11.449 14.646 175.98 1.0621 181.6 266.1
39     Other goods and services 193.7 1.848 1.00 17.98 88.24 107.1 2.682 1.878 3.151 28.20 205.8 1.734 2.155 3.366 3.187 136.75 0.7143 199.5 270.4
40   Net purchases abroad 218.1 1.350 1.00 18.72 16.86 86.1 11.150 8.050 6.495 0.00 702.4 0.000 0.000 28.064 11.654 0.00 2.3297 552.3 547.9
41 Collective consumption of government 179.1 1.057 1.00 9.53 42.18 96.6 1.407 4.442 1.855 50.34 278.6 1.078 1.689 1.672 2.966 122.77 0.9554 216.9 167.1
42 Gross fixed capital formation 275.2 1.770 1.00 23.10 70.39 169.0 17.991 6.366 8.585 85.55 578.9 9.830 15.968 5.937 15.117 286.54 0.7477 432.5 432.0
43   Construction 297.0 1.458 1.00 20.93 60.86 163.5 16.377 6.099 6.564 70.05 505.5 8.018 23.901 3.712 12.496 314.94 0.7028 639.4 538.8
44     Residential buildings 402.8 2.036 1.00 23.86 62.60 148.0 23.282 9.843 7.232 84.49 530.3 8.792 44.941 6.862 16.435 301.84 0.9387 686.3 581.8
45     Non-residential buildings 271.4 2.072 1.00 18.84 58.95 154.9 12.622 4.790 7.164 65.94 391.4 7.793 14.755 1.496 11.089 117.71 0.3685 258.5 246.7
46     Other construction 236.5 0.790 1.00 17.93 50.41 183.0 12.154 3.728 5.562 66.88 548.6 6.784 28.232 3.383 10.288 636.17 1.2122 1021.3 1177.3
47   Machinery and equipment 246.3 2.193 1.00 26.33 81.79 176.1 20.823 6.738 12.198 158.94 726.9 13.146 10.526 24.729 19.833 249.60 0.7800 289.8 337.9
48     Transport equipment 211.1 2.561 1.00 25.30 101.02 168.9 75.289 9.380 13.253 285.03 1068.3 29.408 51.792 38.110 40.556 147.24 0.4312 159.2 226.9
49     Non electrical machinery 270.0 2.114 1.00 30.35 96.63 178.2 13.641 7.098 10.454 116.00 656.5 11.924 13.463 19.792 29.280 0.00 0.0000 0.0 0.0
50     Electrical machinery 211.8 1.602 1.00 16.62 41.98 165.5 23.810 5.492 13.086 121.12 590.0 7.638 6.306 20.018 34.266 0.00 0.0000 0.0 0.0
51 Increase in stocks 297.3 1.937 1.00 12.41 101.60 160.3 11.014 5.848 7.300 93.92 644.9 6.717 9.902 8.776 13.000 322.90 1.3668 323.3 323.4
52 Balance of imports and exports 236.6 2.002 1.00 49.66 145.83 272.3 30.814 7.744 12.295 87.44 864.8 15.832 18.626 26.997 26.971 441.64 1.8673 441.5 441.5
53 Gross domestic product 221.9 1.354 1.00 17.27 69.62 114.4 6.075 4.680 4.667 69.16 459.5 3.761 6.297 5.288 8.094 95.45 0.5813 163.1 218.1

United Nations Statistics Division - International Comparison Programme