6. Working Group on Training Courses in Toponymy


Mr. Peder Gammeltoft (Denmark), E-mail: gammelt@hum.ku.dk

Ongoing work programme

The Working Group coordinates information on toponymy training courses, and where required assists in the planning and delivery of international courses organized by a host country or UNGEGN Division.

Training courses offered
Web-based training

Web-based training has the potential to provide instructional material to a wider audience than can be reached through the courses offered in different regions of the world. At present the following web-based training in toponymic issues are available:

A workshop about training courses on the web was given in association with the Ninth UN Conference, New York, 2007.

Reports of the Working Group
  • The Working Group's website is accessible at http://toponymycourses.geog.uu.nl/. It provides information on the Working Group, on forthcoming and past courses, and on teaching material used in toponymy courses and for other purposes.
  • Information is also provided on the Working Group website regarding training courses offered by the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH).