The Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on State Statistics
This Law defines the powers and functions of state statistical bodies, procedure of organization and maintaining the single state accounting system and statistics in the Republic, regulates the legal relations in primary accounting and statistics.
Article 1. Operation of the Law
The Law on state statistics of the Kyrgyz Republic defines the main principles of collecting, storing, analyzing, presenting and publishing the data on the events and processes taking place in economic and social spheres of the country and is obligatory for all the bodies of public administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, enterprises, establishments, organizations regardless of their type of ownership and departmental subordination, place of location, as well individuals.
Article 2. State Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Statistics
State policy in statistics as a component part of social and economic policy of the Kyrgyz Republic is aimed at the provision of statistical information based on a single scientifically-based methodology and its comparability with international statistics to satisfy the needs of all economic units and public administration bodies in necessary data characterizing the situation and trends of economy development, economic relations at all levels, structural movements and production effectiveness, social policy implementation.
The Government establishes a single system of primary accounting and statistics, manages the system, defines the essence and character of the statistical activity on the whole territory of the country.
Tatistical policy is based on the objectivity and reliability of statistical data, stability of the statistical information and transparency of summary statistical materials.
Article 3. The Main Requirements from Statistics
Corresponding bodies of state statistics of the Kyrgyz Republic provide the following within one’s authority:
- integrity, reliability, timeliness and sufficiency of statistical indicators characterizing the Kyrgyz Republic;
- in-depth study, generalization and analyses of current economic and social processes, trends of their development;
- accessibility and publicity of summary statistical data in accordance with internationally-adopted statistical rules;
- comparability of the applied methodology and main indicators with the statistics of other countries and international statistics;
- unity of the system of primary, bookkeeping and statistical reports.
The system of state statistics is the main component part of state information system.
Primary statistical data are used only for statistical summaries, publications, social and economic analyses and scientific researches.
Article 4. Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on State Statistics
Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on state statistics includes this Law and other legislative acts of the Kyrgyz Republic issued in accordance with this Law, as well as international norms accepted by the Kyrgyz Republic.
Article 5. Relations in Statistics
Ministries, state committees, administrative departments may carry out statistical observations and collect their own departmental statistical reports in accordance with the procedure established by the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Ministries, state committees, administrative departments and other bodies of public administration are entitled to obtain information on subordinate enterprises and enterprises with the share of state capital and funds of local budgets.
Cooperation in statistics between the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic and other organizations is carried out on the basis of agreements on mutual exchange of statistical information.
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic takes part in international cooperation in statistics through participation in the work of international organizations, as well as on the basis of bilateral and multilateral agreements and contracts with organizations of other countries.
Relations in the field of statistics between the Kyrgyz Republic and other countries are defined on the basis of contracts and agreements abiding by the principles of equal rights and mutual interests observing international norms.
Article 6. The System of State Statistics Organs in the Kyrgyz Republic
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (Natstatcom) and subordinate enterprises, establishments and local branches form the common system of state statistics in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Activities of state statistics organs are guided by this Law, other legislative acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as provisions on the above legislative acts.
Article 7. The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic has the power to manage state accounting and statistics. It defines its status of independence.
The Natstatcom is engaged in organization, management of state statistics and coordination of activities of state statistical offices on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, provides functioning on the basis of common methodology of statistical information system in economic and social spheres at the national and regional levels.
Statistical works are implemented by the Natstatcom in accordance the Programme of statistical works which is approved by the Government annually.
Funds from the national budget of the Kyrgyz Republic are the financial bases of the Natstatcom and its local offices needed to implement national and regional activities, as well as to develop material and technical basis.
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is accountable to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and works in accordance with this Law and Provision approved by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Article 8. Powers of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic implements the following:
- carries out methodological management over the development and introduction of statistical indicators in the country comparable with internationally-accepted indicators;
- defines the minimum set of indicators of state and departmental statistical reporting;
- coordinates the work on approving and improving the whole statistical reporting in the country.
Instructions of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic on organization and conduct of primary accounting and statistics are compulsory for all state organs, enterprises, establishments and organizations regardless of the form of ownership and subordination.
Article 9. State Register of Economic Units of the Kyrgyz Republic
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic and its local branches update the State register of economic units in the Kyrgyz Republic which contains the compulsory list of statistical indicators characterizing financial and economic and other activities of enterprises regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity.
It is not allowed to open banking accounts and carry out financial operations (including monetary) without the registration of economic units in state register and granting corresponding identification codes based on the common classificator of enterprises and organizations.
All legal and physical entities engaged in entrepreneurship are obliged to submit statistical information to statistical offices of all levels.
Article 10. State Statistical Observations
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic carries out state statistical observations on the territory of the Republic.
In accordance with the Programme of statistical works, as well as decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic organs of state statistics conduct statistical observations in any fields within their powers.
For the conduct of large and important state statistical observations employees of enterprises, establishments, organizations located on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic are recruited in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Statistical observations may not include data regarding race, religion, privacy and political views of citizens.
Article 10. Publication of Statistical Data
Within the information system it is necessary to widely publish statistical data that are not considered state, official or commercial secrecy.
Primary data on individuals and families are not allowed to be published without the consent. Data may be transferred and published in summary type or without signs enabling to identify a person.
Statistical information published by the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is considered official.
Article 11. Rights of state statistical offices
State statistical offices of the Kyrgyz Republic have the right to:
- obtain reliable statistical and bookkeeping reports (free of charge) from all state bodies and enterprises regardless of their type of ownership at a set date and fully as information tax at the expense of a sender;
- obtain and use the data of financial, banking, tax, custom and other departments and services, public organizations, as well as results of departmental statistical observations;
- obtain questionnaires of statistical observation from citizens regarding their social and demographic situation and production activity;
- check primary accounting situation and statistical data reliability in enterprises, establishments, organizations;
- access to accounting of other state organs;
- suspend departmental acts on state statistics and related primary accounting that contradict the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- conclude agreements on cooperation with statistical offices of other states in accordance with procedure established by the law;
- carry out self-paying works based on agreements concluded with state authorities (beyond the approved Programm of statistical works), enterprises regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity, as well as individuals. Funds from these services remain at the disposal of statistical offices and used for maintenance and payments for employees;
- introduce and cancel the forms of state statistical reports.
Officials of state statistical offices have the right to set an administrative punishment in the cases foreseen by the law.
Article 12. Responsibilities of State Statistical Offices
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic and its local branches are responsible, within their competence:
- provide authorities and administration of the country with necessary statistical and analytical information in accordance with the approved Programme of statistical works;
- publish regularly summary statistical information that are of great interest for the publicity;
- provide access to summary statistical information;
- provide necessary statistical reporting documents (questionnaires, instructions) to reporting enterprises;
- provide international statistical organizations with necessary social and economic information in accordance with concluded agreements and international conventions.
State statistical offices provide the President Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, Jogorku-Kenesh (Parliament) of the Kyrgyz Republic and its Apparatus, the Apparatus of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, local governments, ministries, state committees and administrative departments with free statistical information.
All employees of state statistical offices are obliged to keep state secrecy and personally responsible for the disclosure of secrecy in accordance with the legislation.