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PRESS RELEASE 2008 Cambodia Population Census Release of the 2008 General Population Census Final Results
Phnom Penh 7 September 2009: Today, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN , Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia released the final results of Cambodia's second post-war population census at 0800 hrs at the Chaktomuk Conference Hall. The 2008 population c ensus final r esults s how that the Cambodia population has increased by 1.96 million over the last 10 years from 11.4 in 1998 to 13.4 million in 2008. The population density of the country increased from 64 to 75 pe rsons per square kilometre, but the annual growth rate declined from 2.49 % in 1998 to 1.54% in 2008. However, Cambodia accounted for 2.3 percent of the Southeast Asian population of 8.6 percent of the world’s population of 6.7 billion in 1998 and continues to do so in 2008. While the total fertility rate has been declined to 3.1, the estimated infant mortality rate shows moderate decrease from 66 to 60 per 1,000 live births during 2005-2008. However, the maternal mortality ratio has not changed much for the past 10 years which it was estimated at 437 in 2000, 472 in 2005 and 461 per 100,000 live births in 2008. It is observed that the number of literate population aged 7 and more has spectacularly risen from about 5.78 million to 8.96 million during the ten-years, which is increased from 62.80 percent in 1998 to 78.35 percent in 2008. Though the adult literacy rate has shown a fairly good increase during 1998-2008, Cambodia is the lowest in the Southeast Asia region after Laos. The number of children aged 6 and more attending school or educational institution have increased from 36.27 percent during 1998-2008 but the proportion of females attending school continues to be less than the corresponding proportion for males both in the urban and rural areas. The 2008 population c ensus results are critical for the overall economic and social development of Cambodia, and will be useful for policy makers as well as local leaders and planners. The 2008 p opulation c ensus was conducted by National Institute of Statistics of the Ministry of Planning , under authority of t he National C ensus Committee and the guidance of the Census Technical Committee and supported by t he R oyal Government of Cambodia , UNFPA, JICA, the Government of Japan, and t he Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.___________________________ Media Contact: HE Mr. San Sy Than Ms. Hang Lina
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