United Nations


General Assembly

Distr. GENERAL  

3 December 1982


                                                  3 December 1982
          World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons
          The General Assembly,
          Recalling its resolutions 31/123 of 16 December 1976 by which it
     proclaimed the year 1981 International Year of Disabled Persons, 32/133
     of 16 December 1977 by which it established the Advisory Committee for
     the International Year of Disabled Persons, 33/170 of 20 December 1978,
     34/154 of 17 December 1979 in which it, inter alia, decided to expand the
     theme of the International Year of Disabled Persons to "Full
     participation and equality", 35/133 of 11 December 1980 and 36/77 of 8
     December 1981,
          Deeply concerned that no less than five hundred million persons are
     estimated to suffer from disability of one form or another, of whom four
     hundred million are estimated to be in developing countries,
          Reiterating the continuing need to promote the realization of the
     right of disabled persons to participate fully in the social life and
     development of their societies and to enjoy living conditions equal to
     those of other citizens, as well as to share equally in the improvements
     in living conditions resulting from social and economic development,
          Recognizing that the International Year of Disabled Persons
     contributed to the acceptance by the community of the right of disabled
     persons to participate fully in the social life and development of their
     societies and to enjoy living conditions equal to those of their fellow
          Convinced that the International Year of Disabled Persons gave a
     genuine and meaningful impetus to activities related to equalization of
     opportunities for disabled persons, as well as prevention and
     rehabilitation at all levels,
          Expressing its satisfaction with the efforts of Member States during
     the International Year of Disabled Persons to improve the conditions and
     well-being of disabled persons and their willingness to involve disabled
     persons and their organizations in all matters of concern to them,
          Also expressing its satisfaction with the initiatives taken by the
     specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations
     system, non-governmental organizations and, in particular, organizations
     of disabled persons,
          Taking note of the emergence of organizations of disabled persons in
     all parts of the world and their positive influence on the image and
     condition of persons with a disability,
          Having considered the Vienna Affirmative Action Plan adopted by the
     World Symposium of Experts on Technical Co-operation among Developing
     Countries and Technical Assistance in Disability Prevention and
          Expressing its appreciation to the Advisory Committee for the
     International Year of Disabled Persons for the work it has done,
          Having considered the report of the Advisory Committee for the
     International Year of Disabled Persons on its fourth session and its
     proposal for a World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons,
          Desirous of ensuring an effective follow-up to the International
     Year of Disabled Persons and aware that if this is to be achieved Member
     States, organs, organizations and agencies of the United Nations system,
     non-governmental organizations and organizations of disabled persons must
     therefore be encouraged to continue the activities already undertaken and
     to initiate new programmes and activities,
          Stressing that the primary responsibility for promoting effective
     measures for prevention of disability, rehabilitation and the realization
     of the goals of "full participation" of disabled persons in social life
     and development and of "equality" rests with individual countries and
     that international action should be directed to assist and support
     national efforts in this regard,
         1.    Adopts the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled
     Persons, as set forth in recommendation 1 (IV) of the annex to the report
     of the Advisory Committee for the International Year of Disabled Persons
     at its fourth session;
         2.    Calls upon all Member States, all relevant non-governmental
     organizations and organizations of disabled persons and, through a
     reallocation of existing resources, calls also upon all organs,
     organizations and agencies of the United Nations system to ensure early
     implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning disabled
         3.    Decides to evaluate at its forty-second session, with the help
     of the Secretary-General, the implementation of the World Programme of
     Action concerning Disabled Persons.