8 - 13 June 2008, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
List of documents
ESA/STAT/AC Organization of work 148 KBESA/STAT/AC List of participants 46 KBESA/STAT/AC Final report 461 KB
United Nations Statistics Division PresentationsESA/STAT/AC 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme 1.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses: Major changes 2.5 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture Overview 0.3 MBESA/STAT/AC Outsourcing versus In-house Processing 0.3 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture - OMR 2.4 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture - OCR-ICR 2.3 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture - Manual Data Capture – Key Entry 0.8 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture - PDAs-Handheld Devices/Internet for Census Data Collection 0.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture - Process Stages 0.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Coding - Coding of Census Information 0.3 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Editing - Introduction 0.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Editing - Within Record and Structure Editing 1.0 MBESA/STAT/AC Results Generated from the questionnaire disseminated prior to the workshop 0.3 MB Other United Nations Agency PresentationsESA/STAT/AC United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, The African Addendum; African Centre for Statistics (ACS),UNECA 0.3 MB Country Papters and PresentationsESA/STAT/AC Ethiopia Presentation - Ethiopian 2007, CENSUS DATA CAPTURING AND PROCESSING 4.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Ghana Presentation - Census Data Capture with OCR Technology 1.4 MBESA/STAT/AC Ghana Paper - Census Data Capture with OCR Technology 0.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Kenya Presentation - Data Processing 0.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Kenya Paper - 1999 Census Data Capture 0.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Lesotho - 2006 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS 0.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Mauritius Presentation - 2000 Census Data Capture and Processing 1.2 MBESA/STAT/AC Nigeria Presentation - Data Capture Census 2006 2.6 MBESA/STAT/AC Nigeria Paper - Data Capture Census 2006 0.3 MBESA/STAT/AC Sierra Leone - Manual Data Processing of Census Data 2.6 MBESA/STAT/AC South Africa Presentation - A perspective of South Africa Data Processing System 1.5 MBESA/STAT/AC Sudan Presentation - 5th Sudan Population and Housing Census 1.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Sudan Paper - Census Data Capture and Editing 0.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Swaziland Presentation - 2007 Population and Housing Census 0.5 MBESA/STAT/AC Uganda Presentation - 2002 Census Data Capture 0.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Zambia Presentation - 2000 Census Data Capture and Processing 0.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Zambia Paper - 2000 Census Data Capture 0.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Zimbabwe Presentation - 2002 Census Data Capture 0.1 MB Commercial Supplier PresentationsESA/STAT/AC Data Capture: OMR1: DRS Data Services Limited 2.0 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture: OMR2: DRS Data Services Limited 2.9 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture: OCR-ICR: DRS Data Services Limited 1.6 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture: GPS: DRS Data Services Limited 5.0 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture: Process Stages: DRS Data Services Limited 7.5 MBESA/STAT/AC DRS EXPERIENCE IN AFRICAN CENSUS DATA CAPTURE: DRS Data Services Limited 12.1 MBESA/STAT/AC Multi-Channel Data Capture: Lockheed Martin Transportation & Security Solutions 0.6 MBESA/STAT/AC Data Capture: betasystems 1.6 MBESA/STAT/AC Process Stagesof Census Surveys: betasystems 2.7 MBESA/STAT/AC Strategic IT partner for large corporations : betasystems 2.7 MB
ESA/STAT/SER.F/79 Handbooks