Expert Group Meeting on
Setting the Scope of Social Statistics06-09 May 2003, New York -
United Nations Statistics Division in collaboration with the Siena Group on Social Statistics
List of documents
DOCUMENT NUMBER TITLE ESA/STAT/AC.88/01 Organization of Work ESA/STAT/AC.88/02 List of documents ESA/STAT/AC.88/03 List of participants ESA/STAT/AC.88/04 Report of the Expert Group Meeting to Review the United Nations Demographic Yearbook System ESA/STAT/AC.88/05 Current status of social statistics: An overview of issues and concerns Jeremiah Banda ESA/STAT/AC.88/06 The Dutch system of social statistics: micro-integration of different sources
Pieter C.J. Everaers and Paul Van Der Laan ESA/STAT/AC.88/07 Use of registers in social statistics in Denmark
Kirsten Wismer ESA/STAT/AC.88/08 Social statistics in the development agenda: two cases for relevance and sustainability
Tomas Africa ESA/STAT/AC.88/09 Social statistics in Brazil: Producer and user strategies
Maria Martha Malard Mayer ESA/STAT/AC.88/10 SSDIS, global standard for harmonization of social statistics Józef Olenski ESA/STAT/AC.88/11 Preliminary ideas for a European social statistics action plan
Gabrielle Clotuche and Werner Grünewald ESA/STAT/AC.88/12 Current efforts in the systematic development of social statistics in Australia
Barbara Dunlop ESA/STAT/AC.88/13 Strategy and goals—Siena Group on social statistics
Siena Group ESA/STAT/AC.88/14 Review of past efforts towards a systematic development of social statistics
Clare Menozzi ESA/STAT/AC.88/15 Capacity building for social statistics: The role of professional training
Rudolf Teekens ESA/STAT/AC.88/16 Elements of a social statistics program: A Canadian perspective
Statistics Canada ESA/STAT/AC.88/17 Statistical coordination among various producers of social statistics in China
Liu Wei ESA/STAT/AC.88/18 Integration and coordination of social statistics: Perspectives on strategies and issues
Eivind Hofmann ESA/STAT/AC.88/19 Expanding the dimensions of social statistics
Ahmed Hussein ESA/STAT/AC.88/20 Harmonisation of concepts, definitions and classifications
Howard Meltzer ESA/STAT/AC.88/21 Policy-oriented statistical activities at the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
Charles Kamen ESA/STAT/AC.88/22 Current initiatives of the Philippine Statistical System on social statistics
Lina V. Castro ESA/STAT/AC.88/23 A better institutional framework for setting standards of official statistics
Heinrich Brüngger ESA/STAT/AC.88/24 Selected strategies to improve the effectiveness of current practices in social statistics
Angela Me, Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir, Marie Sicat, Sabine Gagel and Stain Vikan ESA/STAT/AC.88/25 Current state of social statistics and institutional infrastructure to coordinate the national system of statistics and geographical information in Mexico
Mexico ESA/STAT/AC.88/26 Labour statistics in Afristat member states: Summary of the situation
Prosper Backiny-Yetna ESA/STAT/AC.88/27 Social statistics—some issues and potential strategies
Simon Ellis ESA/STAT/AC.88/28 Development of social statistics and statistical capacity building
Irena Krizman ESA/STAT/AC.88/29 Re-engineering and strengthening the production and uses of social statistics—a note
O. O. Ajayi ESA/STAT/AC.88/30 Promoting a better use of statistical information: An integrated information system on disability Viviana Egidi ESA/STAT/AC.88/31 An approach to the coordination of statistical systems in the compilation, analysis and dissemination of social Statistics: The Caricom experience.
CARICOM ESA/STAT/AC.88/32 Social statistics in Egypt
Bothaina El Deeb ESA/STAT/AC.88/33 Strategies for promoting and optimizing the use of social statistics for policy planning in West Africa
Gabriel Pictet and Robert Pond ESA/STAT/AC.88/34 Adding a social dimension to agricultural Statistics: incorporation of gender considerations into FAO’s statistical support to member countries
John Curry ESA/STAT/AC.88/35 Social Indicators in the urban context: urban poverty and health study in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gora Mboup ESA/STAT/AC.88/36 Social statistics produced by the U.S. Federal statistical system
Susan Schechter, Robert Kominski and Jennifer Madans ESA/STAT/AC.88/37 Social statistics in the World Bank
The Development Data Group ESA/STAT/AC.88/38 The General Data Dissemination System (GDDS): How statisticians and donors can use it for statistical capacity building Claudia Dziobek