United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses
22 - 26 August 2005, New York
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Statistics Division, DESAList of documents
DOCUMENTATION FOR THE EXPERT GROUP MEETING FILESIZE ESA/STAT/AC.104/L.1 Organization of Work 113 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/L.2 List of documents ESA/STAT/AC.104/L.3 List of participants 118 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/L.4 Final report 54 KBPAPERS FOR THE EXPERT GROUP MEETING Opening Statement by Mr. Paul Cheung, Director of UN Statistics Division 108 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/1 Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2: A General Outline 155 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/2 Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2: Updating topics and the quest for a core set 407 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/3 Major Issues on Census Planning and Management (Report of Working Group 2) 132 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/4 Integrated data collection and dissemination (Report of the Technical Sub-Group 2.1) 133 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/5 Draft of the Section on Human Functioning and Disability for the revised 2010 Programme on Population and Housing Censuses (Report of Technical Subgroup 1-3) 164 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/6 The way to the 2010 round of censuses in Asia and the Pacific 201 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/7 Operational aspects of census taking in the ESCWA region: Results of ESCWA questionnaire 182 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/8 Working Group on Promotion of Censuses: Making Value Visible - Key Issues Raised 103 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/9 Recommendations for the Revision and Update of the Global United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses 293 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/10 Major issues in topics for inclusion, standards, definitions and classifications (Report of Working Group 1) 78 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/11 Population and Housing Censuses Activities in the African Region: Key Issues and Challenges 233 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/12 Updating the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses: Implications for Revising Guidelines on Internal and International Migration (Technical Sub-Group on Internal and International Migration Statistics) 132 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/13 Recommendations for the revision and update of the "Global United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses” 207 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/14 Postings on the discussion from of the United Nations Expert Group on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses 296 KBPOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS ESA/STAT/AC.104/PPT1 Emerging issues for the 2010 Round of Censuses in the ECE Region 88 KBESA/STAT/AC.104/PPT2 Major issues in topics for inclusion, standards, definitions and classifications (Report of Working Group 1) 47 KBBACKGROUND DOCUMENTATION World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses -2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses -2000 World Population and Housing Census Programme (Resolution 1995/7) -Censuses conducted in the 1990 and 2000 round of censuses -Demographic Yearbook Special Census Topics Population and Housing Censuses -Principles and Recommendations -Handbooks -Technical reports HTML Demographic and Social Concerns HTML