Speaker Bio

Measuring what we value - gender statistics for an informed care economy

Yandiswa Mpetsheni


Ms. Yandiswa Mpetsheni is appointed as a Deputy Director General at Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). Her responsibilities include the coordination of statistical production amongst entities of the national statistical system. Her career at Stats SA spans over a 24 year period from the time she was appointed as part of a team that was tasked with the responsibility to conduct South Africa’s first Time Use Survey.

She has extensive work experience in statistical production, particularly in the areas of labour and gender statistics. Ms. Mpetsheni contributed to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) manual on ‘measuring informality: a statistical manual on the informal sector and informal employment’.

She has successfully led teams in a variety of critical projects such as the reengineering of the labour force survey, the reporting process of Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals and most recently the process to amend the Statistics Act of South Africa, which resulted in the Statistics Amendment Bill being submitted to Parliament for consideration.

Ms Mpetsheni has also taken part in different roles in the Censuses of 2001, 2011 and 2022.