Speaker Bio

Measuring what we value - gender statistics for an informed care economy

Stanley M.T. Wambua


Stanley M.T. Wambua is a statistician with hands on skills and expertise in statistical production. Trained in Statistics at the University of Nairobi and currently working for the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics which is the National Statistical organization for Kenya. He has been involved in statistical and planning work for three decades both in office and in the field. His main work has involved design and reviews of data collection tools and methodologies, supervision of data collection in the field, data quality assurance, data analysis and preparation of reports.

Major undertakings have included censuses, large scale household based surveys such as DHS, VACs, Health surveys and the Economic Survey, which is an annual survey that generates indicators mainly from administrative records of MDAs. He has been involved at international initiatives involving refugees' statistics, disability, harmonization of statistics as well as development of SDGs 5 and 16. Statistical areas of interest have been in the sectors of Governance, Peace and Security, Human Rights and, Gender and Vulnerable Populations Statistics.