Speaker Bio

Measuring what we value - gender statistics for an informed care economy

Dulamjav Altangerel


Ms. Dulamjav Altangerel is a statistician in charge of Gender and Time-Use statistics at the National Statistics Office (NSO) of Mongolia.

Dulamjav is leading the team working on a Time-use survey this year, which will provide valuable insights into how Mongolians use their time. The NSO of Mongolia is modernizing their Time Use Survey in line with the latest survey practices, introducing phone interviews (CATI) and online completion.

She has been responsible for the NSO for carrying out the project implemented in partnership with UNDP, promoting gender equality in public decision-making and women’s empowerment in Mongolia which will be implemented from 2022 to 2024, and published several statistics materials, and organized discussions on gender statistics, including women’s participation in politics in 2022.

She holds a Bachelor of Economics and Finance from the University of Bologna in Italy.

Her interests are on the value of high-quality gender statistics to inform decision-making.