Workshop on CountryData – Building better dissemination systems for national development indicators

Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 21 - 25 April 2014



  Provisional Programme of Work PDF 250 KB  
  General Information PDF 208 KB  



  UNSD - DFID project: Update for the 4th Workshop, Building better dissemination systems PPT 1,814 KB  
  UNSD - DFID project: Future plans until Jan 2015 PPT 505 KB  
Session 1
  Burundi PPTX 68 KB  
  Ghana PPTX 128 KB  
  Lao PDR PPT 127 KB  
  Liberia PPTX 86 KB  
  Morocco PPTX 525 KB  
  Thailand PPTX 4,186 KB  
Session 2
  UNSD - Complex SDMX mapping issues for development indicators PPTX 7,336 KB  
Session 3
  UNSD -DFID project: International & National reporting, Building better dissemination systems PPT 1,557 KB  
  Burundi - Metadata collection PPTX 70 KB  
  Cambodia - Investigation of Available Metadata for selected MDG indicators PPTX 93 KB  
  Ghana - Reasons for differences between national and international reported indicators PPTX 130 KB  
  Lao PDR - Discrepancy analysis PPTX 229 KB  
  Liberia - Differences between national and international reported indicators PPTX 90 KB  
  Maroc - Glance at The National Statistical system of Morocco and source of discrepencies for some selected MDG indicators PPT 3,142 KB  
  Rwanda - Differences Between National and International Reported Indicators PPTX 187 KB  
  Thailand PPTX 6,222 KB  
  Uganda - Data differences between National and Internationally Reported Indicators PPT 219 KB  
  Vietnam - Differences between national and international reported indicators PPTX 225 KB  
Session 4
  UNSD - DFID project: Post-2015 discussion, Building better dissemination systems PPT 723 KB  
  Cambodia - Availability of  Indicators to Support the  New Framework for the Post-2015 Agenda PPTX 2,393 KB  
  Rwanda - Availability of Indicators to Support the New Framework for the Post-2015 Agenda PPT 379 KB  
  Vietnam - Vietnam development indicators to support the new framework for the Post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) PPT 388 KB