International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues and Challenges

Beijing, People's Republic of China
27-29 September 2011

Ma Jiantang
Commissioner, National Bureau of
Statistics of China
Paul Cheung
Director, United Nations Statistics Division
Shaida Badiee
Director, Development Data Group, World Bank

The Forum is being jointly organised by the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS), the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the World Bank (WB).

National statistics offices are being asked to assemble increasingly sophisticated datasets to guide the formulation and monitoring of national development policies. These datasets include, but are not limited to, those recording inputs and outputs by industrial sector, processing of intermediate goods, and trade in gross and value-added terms. To monitor the impacts of economic development, data are also needed on social development and environmental outcomes.

he Forum will examine how new statistical frameworks are evolving to reflect the needs of researchers and policy makers and the demands they are placing on the capacities of national statistical offices. Forum participants will have the opportunity to discuss their experience and current activities. They will also discuss how capacity development efforts could be designed and geared up to assist developing countries to meet these data challenges.

We envisage the following outcomes from the Forum:

  • A programme of work for capacity development on economic, social, and environment statistics.
  • A framework or template for tracking socioeconomic development with a focus on changing economic structure, employment and education.
  • An initial consideration and endorsement of a Plan of Action on Statistics highlighting the important areas of statistics that the development community should focus on in the next 10 years. This Plan will be submitted to the Ministerial Aid-Effectiveness Conference to be held in late November in Busan.
Opening Remarks Ma Jiantang, Commissioner, National Bureau of Statistics of China
  Paul Cheung, Director, United Nations Statistics Division
  Shaida Badiee, Director, Development Data Group, World Bank


Keynote 1: Statistics and National Development
Justin Yifu Lin
Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, the World Bank
Zhang Weimin
Deputy-Commissioner, National Bureau of Statistics of China
Volker Treichel
Lead Economist, Development Economics Operations and Strategy Department, the World Bank
Statistics and National Development - Implications of New Structural Economics

Country Case Studies: Monitoring Economic Development
Mohamed Taâmouti
Directeur, Direction de la Statistique, Haut Commissariat au Plan, Morocco
Monitoring Economic Development in Morocco
Sheikh Hamad bin Jabor Al-Thani
President, Qatar Statistics Authority
Monitoring Economic Development of Qatar
T.C.A. Anant
Chief Statistician of India, National Statistical Organization, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, India
Monitoring National Development in India

A Framework for Monitoring Economic Development
Robert Edwards
Inter-regional Adviser, United Nations Statistics Division
Eric Swanson
Senior Adviser, Development Economics Data Group, the World Bank

Some Statistical Challenges in Economic Statistics

Phetsamone Sone
Deputy Director General, Lao Department of Statistics, Lao PDR
Key Statistical Challenges in Economic Statistics in Lao PDR

Key Statistical Challenges in Economic Statistics in Lao PDR
Alexander Surinov
Chairman, Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), Russian Federation
Economic Statistics in Russia: Development and New Challenges
Shigeru Kawasaki
Director General, Statistical Research and Training Institute, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan

Panel Discussion: Statistics for Measuring Growth and Structural Change

Bernard Williams
Branch Head, International Accounts and Financial Statistics, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Statistics for Measuring Growth and Structural Change in Australia
Douglas Brooks
Assistant Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Sabir Said Al-Harbi
Director General of Economic, Statistics, Ministry of National Economy, Oman

Issues and Challenges: Oman Case


Keynote 2: Monitoring Education Development

Albert Motivans
Head of Education Statistics Department, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Monitoring Education Development

Keynote 3: Monitoring Employment

Rafael Diez de Medina
Director, Department of Statistics, International Labour Organization(ILO)

Country Case Studies: Monitoring Social Developments

Kecuk Suhariyanto
Director of Statistical Analysis and Development , BPS-Statistics Indonesia, Indonesia
Monitoring Social Development in Indonesia
Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape
Presidente del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), Mexico
Monitoring Social Development in Mexico
Sonam Tenzin
Chief Statistician, National Statistics Bureau, Bhutan
Issues and Challenges: Bhutan Case

Monitoring the Environment

Jaewon Lee
Director of the Research Planning Division, Statistical Research Institute of Statistics Korea (KOSTAT), Republic of Korea
Joe de Beer
Deputy Director-General, Statistics South Africa, South Africa
Monitoring the Environment: The South African Case Study
Abdullah Harun Pasha
Director, Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh

Compendium of Environment Statistics of Bangladesh

Compendium of Environment Statistics of Bangladesh

Panel Discussion: A Framework for Monitoring Social and Environmental Developments

Xian Zude
Chief Methodologist, National Bureau of Statistics of China
A Framework for Monitoring Social and Environmental Developments in China

John B. Male-Mukasa
Executive Director, Uganda Bureau of Statistics

Monitoring Social Development: Issues and Challenges


Launch of the China International Statistical Training Centre

Tian Lusheng
Director-General, China International Statistical Training Centre in collaboration with UN Statistics
Introduction of China International Statistical Training Centre in collaboration with UN Statistics
Kecuk Suhariyanto
Director of Statistical Analysis and Development , BPS-Statistics Indonesia, Indonesia
Insook Jeong
Director, International Statistical Cooperation Division, KOSTAT, Republic of Korea
Shigeru Kawasaki
Director General, Statistical Research and Training Institute, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
Statistical Capacity Development - Japan’s Experiences

Country Case Studies: Training and Capacity Development

Joe de Beer
Deputy Director-General, Statistics South Africa, South Africa
Training and Capacity Development: The South African Case Study
Khalifa Al-Barwani
Director General of Social Statistics, Ministry of National Economy, Oman
Training and Capacity Building in Statistics As Depicted by the Statistic Strategy of the Sultanate of Oman
Jessamyn Encarnacion
OIC-Director, Social Statistics Office, National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines
James Whitworth
Head of International Statistical Co-operation, Eurostat
ASTRA: An IT tool for the Assessment for Statistical TRAining

A.K. Mehra
Central Statistics Office Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

National Academy of Statistical Administration (NASA)

A Plan of Action on Statistical Development

Shaida Badiee
Director, Development Data Group, the World Bank
Statistics for Transparency, Accountability, and Results: An Action Plan
Frances Harper
Head of Profession for Statistics Research and Evidence Division, DFID
Busan – Building on MAPS: A bilateral donor perspective
James Whitworth
Head of International Statistical Co-operation, Eurostat
From Marrakech to Busan …via Beijing


Youlia Antonova
United Nations Statistics Division
2 United Nations Plaza, DC2 – 1678
New York, New York 10017, USA
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Fax No: 1 212 963 9851