Asian Thematic Conference
Managing a statistical organization in times of change

  • Manila, Philippines
  • 12 - 14 February 2020

The Asian Thematic Conference (12-14 February, Manila, Philippines) is part of a series of regional conferences to understand and prioritise the recent institutional, organizational and technical developments for the production of official statistics and indicators for the monitoring of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related regional and national development plans.

The regional approach to these conferences will put focus on practices and challenges common among members of each region. In particular, it will allow the organizers to collect additional information and examples to contribute to the updated Handbook of Statistical Organization, whose purpose is to support the needs of senior managers to adapt and develop their statistical organisations and systems as stressed in the Cape Town Global Action Plan (CTGAP) for Sustainable Development and as described in the final report of the series of conferences on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics.

This Thematic Conference in Asia will be organised around 4 main sessions covering the 6 strategic areas of the CTGAP and a subset of the 14 substantive chapters of the Handbook as identified by the organizing committee, represented by Mongolia, Philippines, Asian Development Bank, UN-ESCAP and UNSD, as highly relevant for the region. The 4 main sessions are as follows:

Session 1: Supporting the transformation of statistical production processes from the data collection to dissemination in the context of the digital and technological revolution
Session 2: Strengthening the institutional and organisational frameworks of national statistical systems
Session 3: Securing quality of statistical information and improving data coherence through statistical analysis and analytical frameworks
Session 4: Mobilizing and securing adequate resources and infrastructure, and promoting regional and global cooperation for the development of national statistical capacity

Two breakout sessions will be organised to follow session 2 and session 4 and the outcome of these breakout sessions will contribute to an extended knowledge base related to the Handbook.

Wednesday, 12 February

08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:45
Welcome and opening
Chair: UNSD
  • Opening remarks: United Nations Statistics Division
  • ADB
09:45 - 10:15
Group photo
Tea/Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:45
  • UNSD (15')
    Introduction to the work on the 4th edition of the Handbook on Statistical Organisation and priority themes for the conference
General Discussion (15')
10:45 - 12:30
Session 1: Supporting the transformation of statistical production processes from the data collection to dissemination in the context of the digital and technological revolution
Chair: Mr. Kemueli Naiqama, Fiji
  • UNSD (15')
    Statistical production infrastructure, data sources, information technology, dissemination and user support
  • ADB (15')
    Strengthening capacity to respond to statistical challenges in the Information Technology Age: Asia's experience
  • Malaysia (15')
    The Transformation and Modernisation of Official Statistics in Malaysia
  • Mongolia (15')
    Data dissemination and the register-based census
  • India (15')
    Strengthening and Modernisation of India's National Statistical System
General Discussion (30')
12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:30
Session 2: Strengthening the institutional and organisational frameworks of national statistical systems
Chair: Ms. Rosalinda Bautista, Philippines
  • UNSD (15')
    Sound Institutional and Organizational Frameworks for Official Statistics
  • UNESCAP (15')
    Navigating policy with data to leave no one behind
  • Indonesia (15')
    Nourishing the National Statistical Systems towards One Data Indonesia, Indonesia experience
  • Sri Lanka (15')
    Overview of the Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka
  • Myanmar (15')
    Strengthening National Statistical System in Myanmar
  • Maldives (15')
    National Statistical System of Maldives
General Discussion (45')
15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 17:15
Breakout 1: Group discussion for sessions 1 and 2
(download conference modalities for questions and group compositions)
  • Group 1A & B - Set of suggested topics related to session 1 prepared in advance
  • Group 2A & B - Set of suggested topics related to session 2 prepared in advance

Thursday, 13 February

09:00 - 10:30
Breakout 1: Report in plenary and general discussion (continued)
Facilitator: UNSD
Report back on outcome of breakout session (10' each group)
Reports for General Discussion:
  • Rapporteur group 1A
  • Rapporteur group 1B
  • Rapporteur group 2A
  • Rapporteur group 2B
10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 13:00
Session 3: Securing quality of statistical information and improving data coherence through statistical analysis and analytical frameworks
Chair: Ms. Wanpeng Poonwong, Thailand
  • UNSD (15')
    User needs, quality management and analytical requirements
  • Bangladesh (15')
    NSO and its activities in Bangladesh
  • Lao PDR (15')
    Quality Management on Official Statistics in Lao PDR
  • Iran (15')
    Importance of Modernization of the National Statistical System and Plans and Initiatives of the SCI for Modernization of the National Statistical System in Iran and Establishing Iran's Statistical Registers System (IRANSTARS)
  • Cambodia (15')
    Users and their needs – Cambodia’s exerience
General Discussion (45')
13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 16:00
Session 4: Mobilizing and securing adequate resources and infrastructure, and promoting regional and global cooperation for the development of national statistical capacity
Chair: Ms. K.M.D.S.D. Karunaratne, Sri Lanka
  • UNSD (15')
    Securing and Developing Statistical Capacity, Specific programmes and tools in the SDG era
  • UNESCAP (15')
    Regional initiatives and experiences
  • Nepal (15')
    International Cooperation in Statistical Capacity Development - A case of Nepalese Experience
  • Bhutan (15')
    Mobilizing Resources for the Development of Statistical Capacity
  • Viet Nam (15')
    National statistical capacity development of Vietnam
General Discussion (45')

Friday, 14 February

09:00 - 10:30
Breakout 2: Group discussion for sessions 3 and 4
(download conference modalities for questions and group compositions)
  • Group 3A & B - Set of suggested topics related to session 3 prepared in advance
  • Group 4A & B - Set of suggested topics related to session 4 prepared in advance
10:30 - 11:15


11:15 - 12:45
Breakout 2: Report in plenary and general discussion (continued)
Facilitator: UNSD
Report back on outcome of breakout session (10' each group)
  • Rapporteur group 3A
  • Rapporteur group 3B
  • Rapporteur group 4A
  • Rapporteur group 4B
12:45 - 13:15
Closing - Conclusions of the Conference
  • Final discussion (15')
  • Co-organisers (UNSD/ ADB) final conclusions (15')