Training in the Use of Big Data and Data Science
Side Event of the 52nd UN Statistical Commission

  • Virtual

  • 11 Mar 2021, 08:00 - 09:30 AM (New York Time)


The highest priority in 2021 for the UN Global Working Group on Big Data for official statistics will be the roll-out of the global training programme in the various areas of big data and data science. The training courses on privacy-preserving techniques are at an advanced stage, while the courses on the use of satellite data for crop statistics, the use of scanner data for price index calculation and the use of AIS data for international trade statistics are being developed. These courses will be given at the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels. It is envisioned that the courses will be introduced with separate short modules to raise awareness on the subject matter for a broad audience. In parallel, a learning management system is being implemented on the Global Platform so that the online courses can be managed and run by the Global Working Group itself. The task team on training, competencies and capacity development will coordinate the development of the courses and conduct the courses through the learning management system.

This side-event will showcase the competence framework on Big Data and data science and the related maturity matrix for statistical offices, the training program on Earth observations for agriculture statistics and the training courses on privacy preserving techniques. The objective is to convey the message that training in Big Data and data science is being developed and is available and open to all the members of the Commission.


The side event will be conducted virtual, showcase 3 presentations with Q&A and will last 90 minutes.

Program - 11 Mar 2021

Introduction and overview of training of the UN Global Working Group on Big Data for official statistics
Niels Ploug, Deputy Director General, Statistics Denmark; and Vice-Chair of the GWG
The work of the GWG task team on training, competencies and capacity development
Ceri Regan, ONS, UK & Dominika Nowak, Statistics Poland
Training program on Earth observations for agriculture statistics
Prof. Kerrie Mengersen, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Training courses on privacy preserving techniques
Andrew Trask, Oxford University, UK
Niels Ploug, Deputy DirectorGeneral, Statistics Denmark; and Vice-Chair of the GWG
