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1993 SNA Update Information - AEG recommendations for issue:
Right to use/exploit non-produced resources between residents and non-residents

Issue description
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Except for land, transactions between residents and non-residents relating to the right to use or exploit nonproduced resources have not been fully elaborated in the 1993 SNA. For land, a notional resident unit is created that is deemed to purchase the land while the non-resident is deemed to purchase a financial asset (equity) of the notional unit. Should the treatment of land be extended to other non-produced resources such as water, fish, etc. or should there be alternative treatments?
AEG recommendations
Number of AEG recommendations for selected issue:1
  Corresponding meetingDate postedRecommendation
 Jan-Feb 20064/7/2006The AEG members who participated in the e-discussion overwhelmingly supported all except one of the proposed recommendations. The ninth proposal, (i), generated some disagreement.
On the third proposal, the views of BOPCOM and the Canberra II Group are different, with the former considering that a licence being issued is sufficient to establish residence while the latter considered production must be observed before residence is established. The AEG recommends that the BOPCOM approach be adopted in the updated SNA.
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