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1993 SNA Update Information - AEG recommendations for issue:

Issue description
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En el Manual de Balanza de Pagos la compraventa se define como la adquisición de un bien por un residente (de la economía compiladora) a un no residente, y la reventa posterior del bien a otro no residente sin que dicho bien entre a la economía del comerciante. El tema no se examina en el SCN. Aunque la definición actual de compraventa posiblemente capta una actividad del proceso de producción en un mundo cada vez más globalizado e interconectado, ese no es el propósito que se persigue en la definición de esta actividad. Por lo tanto, se requiere una definición que sea clara y exacta; por extensión se necesitan pautas claras para saber si la compraventa (una vez redefinida) deba registrarse en valores netos o brutos, y en Bienes o en Servicios.
AEG recommendations
Number of AEG recommendations for selected issue:1
  Corresponding meetingDate postedRecommendation
 Jan-Feb 20064/7/2006(a)-(g) The AEG agreed that all three types of merchanting (global manufacturing, global wholesaling/retailing, and commodity dealing that is settled by trade in commodities) should be recorded as follows:
“The acquisition of goods is recorded as an import (shown as a negative export) by the global manufacturer, global wholesaler/retailer or commodity dealer (merchant). The subsequent resale of the goods is recorded as exports by the merchant. The difference between the two is shown as net exports of goods by the merchant. The merchant's output is recorded as a wholesale/retail service within the national accounts, exclusive of holding gains/losses while the goods are held (in inventory) by the merchant.”
The inclusion of the wholesale/retail margin and the holding gains/losses accruing while in inventory in the gross value of exports by the merchant is consistent with the measurement of supply and use of these margins in the SNA and the BPM.
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