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1993 SNA Update Information - AEG recommendations for issue:
Военные расходы

Issue description
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В СНС 1993 года военные закупки подразделяются на оружие нападения и средства доставки таких видов вооружений, и все другие закупки. Первые не рассматриваются как валовое накопление капитала, независимо от срока службы. Такой порядок учета предполагает, что ''оборона'' не является услугой, предоставляемой государством путем использования вооружений в качестве ассоциированных активов. Более того, вооружения, уже отнесенные на счет расходов, могут фактически быть изъяты из запасов для использования или экспорта, и их придется балансировать отрицательным компонентом в конечном потреблении органов государственного управления. Следует ли по-другому проводить разграничение между валовым накоплением капитала и промежуточным потреблением?
AEG recommendations
Number of AEG recommendations for selected issue:2
  Corresponding meetingDate postedRecommendation
 February 20045/28/2004Following an intensive discussion, the group voted to include expenditure on military weapon systems as gross fixed capital formation. There was general agreement that defense GFCF should be presented separately from other types of GFCF.
 February 20044/27/2004The Canberra II Group examined the economic processes of production in the provision of defense services. Military weapon systems were seen to be used continuously in the production of those services, even if their peacetime use is simply to provide deterrence. The Group reach a near unanimous decision concluding that military weapon systems should be classified as fixed assets. The AEG accepted the recommendation that classification of military weapon systems as fixed assets should be based on the same criteria as other fixed assets—that is, produced assets that are themselves used repeatedly, or continuously, in processes of production for more than one year. Moreover, military weapon systems in general are seen to meet these criteria because they are used continuously in providing defense services to the nation’s residents, protecting their liberty and property. The following related recommendations were also accepted. Expendable durable military goods, such as bombs, torpedoes, and spare parts, should be treated as inventories. The classification of assets should be modified so that gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) for weapons can be separately identified and presented. The implications of the recommendation for the Balance of Payments Manual and for Government Finance Statistics also need to be examined. The AEG noted that there are important differences between military equipment and other equipment. There was general agreement that presentations of GFCF by type of asset should separately identify defense equipment. Finally, the AEG noted that it is necessary to keep in mind that the production accounts measure economic activity and not well being.
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