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1993 SNA Update Information - Expert comments for issue:
Cultivated assets

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During discussions about the System of Economic and Environmental Accounts, it was noted that the present definition of cultivated assets in the SNA is ambiguous. Should the definition in the SNA be tightened as follows: “cultivated assets cover livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc. and vineyards, orchards and other trees yielding repeat products whose natural growth and regeneration is under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units”? The words in italics replace the words “that are” in the 1993 SNA.
Expert comments
Number of expert comments for selected issue:1
  Date postedSourceComment
 8/11/2004Fadhil Mahdi (ESCWA)The suggested changes in the definition of the items "Cultivated Assets" are clearer than before and it gives the reader of SNA 1993, in that respect, better understanding of the nature of all various types of such assets included in that item.
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