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1993 SNA Update Information - Expert comments for issue:
Gastos militares

Issue description
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En el SCN 1993 los activos militares se dividen en equipo ofensivo, los medios con que disparan y todos los demás tipos de armamento. Los primeros se excluyen de la formación de capital independientemente de su vida útil. Este tratamiento significa que “defensa” no es un servicio en que el equipo militar que el gobierno emplea para brindarlo sea un activo asociado. Además, las armas que ya han sido gastadas pueden en realidad retirarse del acervo del armamento disponible, o destinarse a las exportaciones y tendrían que equilibrarse mediante un componente negativo en el consumo final del gobierno. ¿Debe modificarse la línea divisoria entre la formación bruta de capital y el consumo intermedio?
Expert comments
Number of expert comments for selected issue:3
  Date postedSourceComment
 8/24/2004Robin Lynch m1(c)uk;
 8/11/2004Fadhil Mahdi (ESCWA)The 1993 SNA distinguishes between military expenditure for civilian purposes (such as police, civil defense) and military expenditure for military purposes (such as purchases of tanks, ships, fighter aircraft…), where the first are treated as fixed capital formation and the latter are treated as intermediate consumption in government services. The AEG approved the proposal of the Canberra II group to drop this distinction in the 1993 SNA and recommended treating such military expenditures as fixed assets. However, this proposal did not meet unanimous acceptance from AEG members. In this regard, we think that the 1993 SNA treatment of this issue should remain since military expenditure does not generate tangible production. In addition, these expenditures increase drastically the value of capital formation in developing countries. While the value added generated by the total investment becomes very small especially in the non-producing countries importing the weapons.
 4/27/2004Andre Vanoli m1(c)vanoli;
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