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Country Profile of Dominica

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Central Statistical Office
Web address
There is no website, but the contact information is as follows:
Statistical Division
Address: 5th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Telephone: (767) 266-3405
Fax: (767) 449-9128
Position in the government
Statistical Division is a division in the Ministry of Finance, Social Security and National Security.
Main duties
The Census and Statistics Act says that here shall be established a Central Statistical Office (CSO) in the Ministry of the Minister responsible for Statistics, the duties of which shall be:

(a) to collect, compile analyze, abstract and publish statistics portraying various aspects of the social, demographic and economic conditions of the people of the state,

(b) to compile and publish national income accounts and estimates of the state; and

(c) to carry out such censuses and surveys in relation to subjects listed in the schedule as may be desirable from time to time for the purposes of paragraphs (a) and (b)."

Regarding the Security of information Section 12 of the Act states:

(a) "Information collected through inquiries conducted under this Act may not be published in a manner which enables the identification of the cost of production, capital employed and profits arising in any particular undertaking or business or which discloses the affairs of an individual household or person.

Section 13 of the Census and Statistic Act 1986 provides for statutory penalties against anyone violating the confidentiality of statistical information gathered under the auspices of the Central Statistical Office.

Legal basis
Legal basis
The Census and Statistics Act of 1986 provides for "the establishment of a coordinated statistical systems and for the taking of censuses and surveys for the collection, compilation, analysis and publication of statistical information and for other matters related thereto.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
o Eastern Caribbean Central Bank; compiles banking and BoP statistics.

o Ministry of Finance, Industry and Planning; compiles accounting and analytical data on central government transactions and debt for the analytical, policy and fiscal management needs of the government. Data are compiled in accordance with the financial Regulations S.R.O. 37 of 1976 and Finance Administration Act 4 of 1994. At present the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) is the primary disseminator of analytical data for the central government operations and debt. In the medium-term, the MOFP will disseminate directly to the public quarterly and annual analytical data on central government operations and debt.

Data collection
Most recent population census
12 May 2001

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Data are provided to interested members of the public upon request at different times prior to formal publication. CSO has set up procedures for simultaneous release of data that are of general public concern:

(a) Consumer Price Index: new base and end of year;

(b) Labor Force Results; and

(c) Population Census Results.

The CSO does not issue a schedule of future releases. However, the CPI has a regular release schedule, and this will serve as a basis for developing future release calendars for other data.
Main publications
Statistics at a Glance
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?

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