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Country Profile of Cape Verde

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE)
Web address
Organizational structure and finance
National Statistics System is based on three pillars:

- National Council of Statistics (CNEST)
- National Statistics Institute (INE)
- Producers of statistics Sector Bodies (OPES)
Multi-annual or annual work program
Agenda Estatística para o Desenvolvimento 2006-2010, constituído por 4 componentes essenciais: o Plano de
Actividades Estatísticas, o Plano de Formação, o Plano de Capacitação Institucional e o Plano Tecnológico.
Main duties
The National Statistical Institute/Instituto Nacional de Estatística/INE was created by the Decree-Law n.º 49/96, 23 December. It is a public organ with administrative, financial, patrimonial and technical autonomy and it is overseen by the government member responsible for the Planning Department.

Being the central organ of the National Statistical System, its purpose is the production, coordination and dissemination of official statistics.

The Bases Law of the National Statistical System determines to INE the following duties:

o Collect, treat, analyze and publish statistical information about the country's social and economical activities;

o Coordinate the statistical work of all the producing organisms, collaborating with them in the collection, treatment, analysis and publication of statistical information;

o Promote the basic statistical training of staff members and agents from organs that produce sectoral statistics;

o Prevent duplication in data collection by the organisms;

o Provide technical statistical assistance to entities that come to need it;

o Ensure data security and confidentiality;

o Carry out inquiries, studies and other statistical work requested by the National Statistical Council (CNEST).

As the system's central organ, INE is responsible for the technical and methodological coordination, carrying out population and housing censuses, economic censuses as well as national accounts, trade statistics, demographic statistics (vital statistics and international migration) industry statistics, price statistics, among others. INE aims to anticipate to official statistics users the necessary information for rational decision making and then provide its evaluation.

Its dissemination plan shall allow, in the short term, the improvement of regularity, updating and quality of publications in paper form, disk and on-line at INE's website.

INE's major challenge is to produce information with value added. INE's motto will be "produce with quality and disseminate with opportunity".

Legal basis
Legal basis
o Law of the General Bases of the National Statistical System/Sistema Estatístico Nacional/SEN, no. 15/V/96, 11 November 1996.

o Decree-Law 5 April 1999 Classification of Economic Activities

o Definition of Competencies of the Educational System Research and Development Office (GEDSE) in the Ministry of Education

o Definition of Competencies of the Office of Research and Planning (GEP) in the Ministry of Health (MS)

o Definition of Competencies of the Office of Research and Planning (GEP) in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Environment (MAAA)

o Definition of Competencies of the Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP)

o Definition of Competencies of the National Institute of Fishing Development (INDP) Creation of INE

o Professional Careers Rules and Regulations

o INE's Statutes

o Staffing

o Human resources remuneration system

o INE's Human resources statute

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
The organs that produce sectoral statistics are responsible for the collection, treatment and analysis of statistical information from their respective sectors. The statistical share to be developed by each of these organs is established by the government member in the respective sector and by the ministry that oversees INE. Currently there are seven of these organs:

Cape Verde Bank

National Institute of Fishing Development (INDP)

Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP)

Office of Research and Planning (GEP) in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Environment (MAAA)

Office of Research and Development of the Educational System in the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports

Office of Research and Planning of Health

Office of Research, Legislation and Documentation in the Ministry of Justice

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
The National Statistical Council (CNEST) is the government superior organ that guides and coordinates the National Statistical System.

As the organ that brings together the producers and users of statistics, CNEST establishes guidelines to the national statistical activity and the statistical work programmes, conducting, thus, the coordination by objectives.

It also does the methodological coordination, aproving concepts, definitions, classifications and other instruments of technical coordination.

The National Statisticl Council is comprised by a chairpesron appointed by the Council of Ministers, for 3 years, and by the following: INE's president, who occupies the post of the vice-chairperson; a representative of the Health sector; a representative of the Education sector; one from the Justice sector; one from the Fishing sector; one from Agriculture; one from Labour; one from Tourism; one from Industry; one from Trade; one from Infra-structure; one from Transport; one from the International Cooperation sector; one from the Planning sector; one from Public Finances; one from the Cape Verde Bank; two representatives from the private sector; two representatives from Unions and two representatives from the National Association of Districts.

CNEST is financially supported by its own budget, independent from INE's private budget.

Data collection
Most recent population census
16-30 June 2000
Data confidentiality
A segurança e confidencialidade são enquadradas por regulamentos especiais de
segurança (p.e., regulamento de utilização de e-mail, instalação de software,
comunicação de dados, etc) e politicas de confidencialidade, garantindo que os dados,
no sentido lato do termo, não são inadvertidamente distorcidos ou perdidos, e são
protegidos contra o acesso não autorizado.

Os dados e equipamentos do SEN deverão ser protegidos contra acesso não
autorizado, vírus e outros eventos não previsíveis. Isto também é válido para dados
enviados via rede externa de respondentes ou para destinatários dos membros do

O INE, em particular, deverá garantir alternativas em matéria de acesso à informação
disponibiliza e que acede, reduzindo, sempre que possível, a sua dependência de um
único fornecedor.

Data dissemination
Main publications
Main categories of publications are:

Methodologies, Classifications and Concepts

Studies and Analysis

General Statistics

Demographic and Social Statistics

- Demographic Statistics

- Economic Statistics

- Business Statistics

Other Publications

For details see website.
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?

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